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Too hot for Gaming?!

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    Originally posted by Del Boy View Post
    Whats your PSN mate, im always on EGWT.

    It's in my profile.


      It's never too hot for rock band.. despite sweating lots


        I've just been trying to watch Kill Bill on my PS3 but about five minutes in the fans went full-whack. I turned it off and decided to do that fan test thing just cos. Restarted and again after about five minutes the fans went full-blast. I decided to turn off the upscaling (it wouldn't bother me much, if at all) but then just turned it off and booted up the PC.

        I hope this doesn't carry on, as it'll only get hotter and while I barely touch the PS3 as it is, I'm still beavering away at MGS4 and still haven't finished it.

        Ah well, Megadrive it is then...


          I love the summer.

          We get such sh1tty weather in this country that when we do get a glorious day like today there's really no alternative other than to down pads and get outside to catch some rays. Even the combination of GTA4 and a brand new SSB:B couldn't keep me inside today.

          Make hay while the sun shines and all that.


            I tried playing my 360 today and it just died on its arse. Too damn hot


              Recently had a minor op and I'm not supposed to be in the sun for a week or two with or without sun lotion, so I've spent the weekend indoors playing a bit of Shadow Hearts (not getting very far with this one) and Bumpy Trot (loving this one).

              Would usually like to be out, even if it was just to read or give the dog a walk.

              In any case, I'd like to see some miserable weather. ;P


                we did 10hrs of rock band on saturday! it was so hot but we rocked through like champions. Sadly no one else really enjoys the drums (crazy), so I was really putting the work in


                  I had something odd happen on Saturday night/Sunday morning when the temp was still above 86 degrees in my room. My oldest and most heavily used Dreamcast had a reset. Strangely it happened only just after I turned it on during the opening titles of Soul Reaver, which I've recently been replaying.

                  I loaded up again expecting more resets but put in an evily long 4 hour session to finish the game, saving regularly just in case, with no further trouble at all. The room was actually hotter at the finish, mostly due to the DC.

                  Last time I had a reset was the same DC about 5 years ago in identical hot humid conditions. Ironically the laser carriage of that same DC tends to stick until its warmed up when being used in very cold damp conditions too. It obviously doesn't like the extremes of the British climate.


                    I got my DC out of the attic a few weeks ago and it would keep restarting if left alone for a few minutes. It doesn't have a dodgy power supply that restarts, either. A quick lens-clean and the restarts simply disappeared...


                      I can't do much else but game at the moment due to my injury, but it was so hot yesterday in my front room that I had my big fan pointing at my 360 while I sat in the chair sweating away playing Tiger Woods.
                      Tragic really.

