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Decisions that changed gaming

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    Mattel intellivision - Giving us what one could class as the 1st console Pad

    SNK - Its removable Memory card System , that more or less every corps have used

    SEGA Japan DC - PC Eng and Mega Drive classic download service , paved the way for XBLA, VC

    Sony Dual Shock (Twin Sticks) - This made FPS at last playable on consoles .

    Microvision - Makers of I think the 1st ever cart bast handheld console

    PC Eng CD Rom - RPG's and gamers never looked back since we went to that medium imo

    Saturn Internal Battery - Well at last a console that could remember the time and users settings (language ect)

    XBOX Live - The way we chat and play online will never be the same thanks to MS

    SEGA Dreamcast - VGA support and Online as standard

    Sega Mega Drive - Before Sony , SEGA made gaming cool with slick adds and big spends on sponsorship , and like fastware said SEGA were the 1st to start off a budget range

    Oh and what ever game used battery Back up to save data
    Last edited by Team Andromeda; 30-07-2008, 07:56.


      On the software side, I would say "Regenerating Health" in FPS was a big change, thanks to Halo.

      I'd also say that the "Birth of online Coop" has been a big change for many games.


        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
        SEGA Dreamcast - VGA support and Online as standard
        Yeah the Dreamcast was ahead of its time when it came to this. I really liked the VMU too.


          I think Sega's decision to work with General Electric to make the Model 1 board was the single biggest thing in the last 20 years. There were 3D machines before this and it would have happened without it, but suddenly with VR and VF, 3D was the thing.

          This is almost equalled by Sega's amazing decision to make their next home machine a 2D powerhouse, ignoring the 3D revolution they were spearheading in the arcades. Instead it was Sony who saw the potential for a cheap 3D home console and the rest is history...


            The Dreamcast - PAL 50/60hz as a standard.
            The PSone Platinum Range – Made games affordable.
            Xbox Live – Introduced reliable inline gaming to the masses.
            Halo - Introduced workable Co-Op.

            They would be my most important and influential decisions made and the one’s that affected me.


              Originally posted by Oldgamingfart View Post
              Yeah the Dreamcast was ahead of its time when it came to this. I really liked the VMU too.
              Indeed, although other consoles may have other tricks up their sleeve, the Dremacast really delivered and brought so many new features to gaming.

              Online capabilities, 60hz, VGA, the first really good analogue stick, quality software and a sensibly priced machine.

              What a lovely machine, SEGA were really on fire during that period.


                SNES Pad: Shoulder buttons!

                N64 Pad: Rumble Pack

                N64 Pad: Anaolog stick (Mario64! weeeheeo!)

                Wii: Motion Sensing


                  Originally posted by Wools View Post
                  Indeed, although other consoles may have other tricks up their sleeve, the Dremacast really delivered and brought so many new features to gaming.

                  Online capabilities, 60hz, VGA, the first really good analogue stick, quality software and a sensibly priced machine.

                  What a lovely machine, SEGA were really on fire during that period.
                  Agree with everything but the analogue stick comment - thought it was terrible personally!

                  Nintendo's decision to stick with cartridges for the N64 was a massive decision that pretty much cost them their position as market leader.


                    Originally posted by parkinho View Post
                    Nintendo's decision to stick with cartridges for the N64 was a massive decision that pretty much cost them their position as market leader.
                    ...for a bit.


                      Street fighter 2 changed gaming

                      GTA 3 changed gaming too................. a LOT!

                      But in terms of decisions............ well, going from cartridge to CD format changed gaming, and more recently the 'need' for hard drives have changed gaming.......



                        Originally posted by parkinho View Post
                        Agree with everything but the analogue stick comment - thought it was terrible personally!
                        Same. It was wankery.

                        I'll stick my argumentative oar in the water by bringing up the inclusion of co-op play in Gauntlet, without that Doom would probably never have had a co-op mode, or Perfect Dark for that matter.

                        Sega's decision to give the DC online capability as standard in (at least) an attempt to bring online gaming to the home console masses, and considering PSO's success I'd say they didn't do too bad. MS made it mainstream and it took them ages at that, what was the first real online hit for the Xbox that made Live essential? Halo 2?


                          Squaresoft supporting PS1.


                            SCEE's pricing policy in about '98. I dunno if this was before platinum or not but I expressly remember Soul Edge/Blade or whatever it was here being released brand new at about £35 instead of £50. At the time I thought it must be a dodgy game or something. But they changed the major pricepoint for games from 50/60 (N64 games were steep!) to 30/40 - a level they have continued at in the UK since then. That decision made platinum games cheaper than full price but not hugely so and so, pretty much forever for me, made me look at new games on release as opposed to "in the future". Then I got into importing and it was all irrelevant anyway!!

                            Obviously pad enhancements, N64 having 4 controllers as standard was a good one: Mario Party may have been the spur to the Wii/DS game simplicity/fun in hindsight.

                            Standards of PS pad dual shock design. Other may scoff but I still think this is the best design around for the variety of games that the PS range has had.

                            "Home" button on the PSP - again, maybe wrong but first time we had access to this kind of thing?


                              I'd have to say, the decision to market the PS as a lifestyle item as much as a games system, which pushed it into the mainstream consciousness.

                              In some ways, that was the beginning of the end. Suddenly many non-gamers became interested, and didn't know how to judge a game on anything other than graphics. I suppose it's a typical scenario that when something becomes more mainstream, quality suffers.

                              I have never forgiven Sony for ruining gaming, but I'm sure they're not bothered. I even own a second-hand PS2 now, breaking my own long-standing rule, but it's only for a few exclusives, not endless iterations of various (mainly EA) titles.


                                Originally posted by Oldgamingfart View Post
                                Yeah the Dreamcast was ahead of its time when it came to this. I really liked the VMU too.
                                I love the DC but don't get the fuss about the VMU. A silly, gimmicky, over-engineered, piece of crap IMO.

