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Games getting boring as you age

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    I'm 17 and feel the same way. I keep dropping gaming for a while, picking it up a few months later, yet I only play a few games (and get enjoyment out of very few). Metroid Prime, I loved, but couldn't be bothered to complete. I love Viewtiful Joe, but can't be bothered to play it. The only thing that has held my interest over the last year is Halo and recently F-zero GX.


      Originally posted by gambit6613
      Is it just me or do you find that you find games not as fun and/or exciting as they used to be when you were younger. are way better than ever, and i spend a lot more time playing games now than i ever did 10-15 years ago.
      its not just playing games thats more fun either, its the whole scene. i find myself getting excited about news of new games and what companies are up to. That would never of occured to me when i was younger.


        I have the problem that games just can't seem to hold my attention any more. Whether this is down to me or the games, I have no idea.

        It's probably me, as trying to be objective, it's patently obvious that there are probably more quality titles out there now than there have ever been before.

        I just lose interest in them so quickly.

        I've just finished the brilliant KotOR, and that was like the first game I've played through properly in ages.

        Maybe I'm just losing interest in games. Or maybe, as has been suggested, I've played so many that my taste has become incredibly selective, and I only allow myself to tolerate the very best.


          I think everyone goes through stages when they get bored with games.


            ...doesn't stop me buyin 'em though.


              Im 23 (as of 3 hours ago.... happy B-Day me )I found 2 great ways to spice up my game-life. As the origonal poster said having the money to buy any game any time kind of removes the thrill of the new game, The wait, the anticipation, the playing it even if its crap just coz you wanted it for so long.... So why not enguage in gaming where its harder to come by games than just walking into your local GAME/EB??

              Tip #1 GamePark 32.
              The ever evolving super hand held. The gp32 scene is always on the move you could log on one day to find there's a new uber movie player or a perfect NES emulator or some kick arse homebrew game has been released and somthing totaly new and fresh the next day . The comunity is thriving and homebrew stuff and emulators are comming out on an almost daily basis. Checking a GP32 site each day only to find there is some new cool (& free) stuff for download gives you a little gaming buzz.

              Tip #2 "The legend will never die"
              Revive some golden era of gaming past... what was your favorite console? do you still have it ? if not hunt around for a nice new cheep one. If the units are still going cheep (like DC or PSX, etc) on markets and 2nd hand gaming stores mod it, paint it add cathodes and led's make the console not just the gaming your hobby. Then hunt, hunt around for cheep bargains on secondhand games this offers a great thrill when you find a game in some second hand shop for ?2 that you 've seen go for ?50+ on ebay.

              Going and buying 10 x ?3 DC/PSX/Saturn games and finding a couple of gems amongst them is much more fun than forking out ?30 on a more-of-the-same-em-up off the shelf game for an existing system (as i regulalay used to do).

              I'm reviving Dreamcast and Amiga 600 at the moment and its great fun there both stella machines with great games.


                I've been playing games for 13 years n at one point i cud not be arsed but since VF4EVO n SC2 i've loved to go down the arcades n get a challenge goin, the same with F-Zero GX, then playin AX in the arcade is awesome IMO, i have to admit Metroid i cud not get on wiv at first but only gettin into it as of late, i enjoyed Zelda WW very much n the only time it bugged me ws sailing everywhere but in time i began to enjoy that as well, i knw when i enjoy a game cus completing it feels like theres a gap left afterwards.

                I'm so excited about Winning Eleven 7 i can't tell u the same with Initial D n Viewtiful Joe, when i get to Japan i will buy these i knw Winning Eleven will be the best thing ever n two player matches are so cool. In fact as Marmite said above Multiplayer is what i really love other human opponents is good fun although i've enjoyed Resident Evil Remake + 0 (Biohazard). All i'm trying to say is for me at this moment games are brilliant, i'm 21 n lovin them.

                Like Scythe though i like to play football as well n find that very satifying i'm travelin in Australia at the moment so the closest i get to games is arcade machines which is cool, when i get to Japan i will c how good they really r at there beat em ups, but bein here just makes me want to play even more when i get bck. If u give yourself a rest frm games for a while i find the hunger comes back full force.


                  I think for me, if i'm not relaxed and happy in my life I can't play games.

                  I went through a bad patch a few years ago and I had a video gaming slump, I was still buying stuff sometimes, but never played it..
                  Since I have got my life sorted out somewhat better I have been playing alot more games than maybe I did in the past!

                  Still room for improvement eh


                    I think it's the aspect of having played it before. Sure it might have new spiffy graphics, be on a different console to before, but hell it feels like you have already played this game.

                    I'm over thirty too, and been playing games since.... well i remember the old sit-down Space Invader machines, so a while. And you do get that feeling of why bother. I'm not just talking about updates, GTA3 -> VC still enthralled me, but more when a game is so similar in its fundamentals you are just not enthused.

                    So yeah i agree to a degree. For me it means i have to seek out games which offer something new. This seems to mean i end up playing non-mainstream games for that buzz, which goes hand-in-hand with lower production values and dubious content/lifespan/etc. But it keeps gaming fresh.

                    I'd suggest instead of picking up a copy of "generic FPS - part 2" you look around for something weirder you might not normally think twice about, give a go at being a mosquito or playing with giant robots. It might just keep you keen!


                      Originally posted by Max Zorin
                      I think it's a problem with me rather than the games that are out there now - if I'm objective about the Cube (my main focus) it's a fantastic console but having got so much out of the N64 it just doesn't feel like it's taking my experience to a whole new level.
                      The thing I like about the 'Cube is its proliferation of very 'old-school' titles. The sort of games that jsut aren't 'fashionable' anymore.

                      The N64 was a great machine but its focus was on large 3D games. The GC has a lot of very immediate, twitch games. I find this exciting as I grew up on stuff like this and large, story-based epics are really starting to bore me now. The GC and N64 are both are great consoles but very, very different.

                      The industry is very different from the one we used to know and love. It's now all about making money, it's about 'products' and 'franchises'.

                      Beyond constant updates, I'm personally sick of the hardware hype. These days, its seems that as soon as a new console is out, its successor is being hyped. It's just not about games anymore at all. Well, not beyond how good a given seuqel will look on the PS7 and the XBOX6.

                      Is it any wonder people are getting bored?


                        I find this every now and again you simply just start losing interest been gaming for years now and at 29 you'd think I'd have moved on but I still love playing...It used to worrie me becaue I love my past time, however I generally find that after a couple of months something new grabs my attention and I get just as exited as I used to. Guess it's just one of the things let's faces it things can't be exiting all the tiem otherwise they would just get boring!




                          I'm 25. I've never tired of gaming - not once. If the current titles fail me, there's a rich history of genius and imagination I can fall back on.

