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Recommended XBLA games?

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    Recommended XBLA games?

    I have some spare MS points, I was wondering are there any great games I'm missing out on XBLA? Or should I save my points for now?

    Games I already have:

    Chessmaster Live
    Duke Nukem 3D
    Hexic HD
    Marble Blast Ultra
    Rez HD
    Sonic The Hedgehog
    Triggerheart Exelica

    There's a definite lack of N+ there. And no Geo Wars 2. Those two are total must-buys. Exit is good, Uno is addictive, I really liked Cloning Clyde too... But it's N+ and GW2 you absolutely need.


      Put it this way - I've bought something like 15 retail games in the past five weeks, and all I'm playing at the moment are Braid, Exit and N+. All three are exhilarating and frustrating in equal measure, yet have that magic something which makes you fancy yet one more go.


        Have to second Exit, they fixed the glitched achievement now and with 220 levels its great value for money.

        If you like Chessmaster Live have you tried the demo for Shottest Shogi, I bought it tonight and am still trying to get my head round it. A chess based game but seems way different.

        Castle Crashers was my XBLA release of the year. Not as good as say Guardian Heroes in my opinion but a lot of fun nevertheless.

        Assault Heroes is absolutely fantastic and only 400points. Real arcade action.

        Space Giraffe. If you haven't then try the demo, if you don't like it you'll hate it, but if you do like it you'll LOVE it.

        Every Extend Extra Extreme is easy but beautiful. There's also Lumines which had its price knocked down. It will still cost a bit to get all the packs though.

        Others I've had a lot of fun with:
        Wik, Catan, Carcassonne, Undertow, Puzzle Quest, Puzzle Fighter HD, Shred Nebula, Mutant Storm Reloaded (didn't like Empire), Pac Man:CE, Commanders: Attack of the Genos, Jewel Quest, Boom Boom Rocket

        And if you haven't got it I found Dash for Destruction to be a fun little freebie.


          Off that list you are missing N+ and Puzzle Quest.

          Those are two of my favourite Live Arcade games.


            Thanks for the recommendations. I will check out the demos for the games mentioned.

            I had played the demo of N+ when it came out and I remember liking it, however I'm not sure if I feel it's worth 800 points, but from the feedback here I guess it is?


              Galaga Legions is one of the best things on XBLA. You owe it to yourself to at least try the demo.


                N+ is more than worth 800 points. There's also three level packs, one of which is free so in total for 800 points you get something absurd like 600 levels or so. If you want to measure value for money in time spent playing, there are few better games than N+ once you get into it.

                You'll want to be buying the other two at 200 points each too though


                  Mega Man 9

                  Commando 3

                  Puzzle Quest


                  Castle Crashers

                  Streets of Rage 2

                  Those are probabaly my favorite games on live that you dont have.


                    Castle Crashers
                    A Kingdom of Keflings
                    Castlevania Symphony of the Night
                    Last edited by DryRice; 08-01-2009, 17:39.


                      Prince of Persia remake is jolly good.


                        Geometry Wars 2. Best XBLA game. Ever.


                          Castlevania and Omega Five.

                          I think I am the only person to buy the latter, none of my friendslist have the game. Its actually a great shooter.

