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Decent PS3 Racers?

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    Decent PS3 Racers?

    Is there any?

    I've only recently acquired a PS3 and can't seem to find anything that quite meets my needs, until GT5 makes its debut at least. I have GT5 Prologue and although i quite enjoyed the game it was far too short and there wasn't enough variety for my liking.

    At the minute the only game i can see which may be worth investing in is Burnout Paradise but from the reviews i've read it seems i'll complete it in a weekend.

    So, any suggestions for a decent, not too easy to complete racing game?

    Burnout Paradise, and you wont complete it ALL within a weekend, besides there is extra stuff due soon so that will keep you hooked for a while.

    Download GTI Club from the store as thats a cracking little game, shame you cant try demos of store stuff as if you spend £9.99 on it and dont like it then ya basically screwed.

    Wipeout HD is awesome too mate, tricky(for me) but still very good.

    Thats really all i have played so cant comment on others.

    Edit: Motorstorm 2 as mention is a great game with a good challenge later on in the game, online is wonderful too.
    Last edited by Del Boy; 17-01-2009, 15:44.


      Motorstorm can be picked up for under a tenner, and is well worth it. Saying that you could probably pick up Motorstorm 2 for under ?20.

      Are you sure you could complete Burnout in one weekend? From what I remember there was lots of different races and I believe they've released some DLC for it as well.


        wipeout HD is already mentioned

        Motorstorm TWO is very good as well , plus the AI starts to get difficult (read: annoying) in the later states.

        to add, AVOID Motorstorm 1. It's okay, but that's it: it's just okay. If you are going to get MS, you might as well put the extra down and get MS2 which is light years better (don't trust the PSN demo, it's an old beta version).


          Ridge Racer 7, best game on the system IMO, and this gen.

          Like above tho, GTI Club is a hoot @ £9.99.


            I'm quite tempted to get Gti Club, but the collector in me won't let me part with my cash for something i can't put on a shelve .

            I'm going to get some new games in a bit so i think i'll get Motorstorm 2, along with either GTA IV or Saints Row 2, haven't decided yet.

            Has anyone played DiRT? That looks like an interesting little Rally Game.

            Thanks for the quick replies .


              Get Ridge Racer 7, its the best racer on the PS3

              Pure is great too though, and better than Motorstorm IMO.


                Dirt isn't too bad, not played the PS3 version but i assume minimal differences between that and the X360 version (actually, i believe the PS3 version is a bit better).

                GTA4... not touching that one with a barge pole! it's not a bad game by any stretch, but i'd go into it with as heavily reduced expectations as you can if i were you. Like i say, the game is solid enough, just don't expect GOTY level stuff (though i think i'm a lone voice in the howling gale at this point!)


                  Wipeout & RR7 are well worth checking out.

                  GRID is a blast too with a good range of cars / race types & nice looks but the handling is a bit 'off' (messing with the settings does help though). It was £19.99 in Gamestation a few weeks back but not sure if it still is.
                  Last edited by tom-nook; 17-01-2009, 14:26.


                    Another vote for Ridge Racer 7 and WipEout HD. The best racers of this generation, along with Outrun 2006.


                      So I've been and bought a couple of games.....

                      The local Indy shop i use didn't have a pre-owned RR7 (I don't like buying new games) and both copies of Motorstorm 2 were missing the instructions so i settled for Burnout Paradise, a steal at ?9.99. Also got Saints Row 2 over GTA IV but that wasn't quite as cheap at ?23.99. The store manager is going to give me a ring when he gets RR7 in too (been going there for years).

                      Haven't had a chance to play them yet, but hopefully BP will be a lot harder than the reviews make out....

                      Thanks for the advice


                        Ridge Racer 7 is excellent, looks great, plays great and the online is fab. Well it was when I played it last year


                          Count another for Ridge 7, fantastic.

                          My other favourite is Initial D but it is an acquired taste.

                          Currently playing Motorstorm 2, avoid 1 but v2 is a cracking game.

                          Lastly a shout for Ferrari, great game but tough. very tough.


                            MotorStorm does it own thing. If you like the idea of racing through thick mud, with crazy vehicles and lots of in-ya-face action, then.. it's worth buying. I still love it. The sequel is also good - with a different setting.

                            If you liked past Ridge Racer games, no7 is a must-have. Fast, fun, and exciting. A solid arcade experience.

                            WipeoutHD is a great future racing title. Once again.. if you liked the old versions, buy it!

                            GRID is o.k. The visuals are nice - and it's arcadey in feel. The framerate is dodgy imo, but that comes down to what you can tolerate.


                              Pure? (Arcadey but decent).

                              I thought grid was nasty in sim mode, but fun in arcade mode.

