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What we looking forward to this year then? =)

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    What we looking forward to this year then? =)


    I love this place, but finding it hard to find much to post about these days. I'll try not to turn this into a moaning rant but this Christmas line up wasn't the best for me. Little Big Planet was a nice change but I found most games to be a load of 'been there done that' kind of thing. They just didn't compare to the quality of Halo 3 and Super Mario Galaxy that we saw in 2007.

    So as we look towards 2009 what are you looking forward to this year? Street Fighter 4 sounds nice and I know a lot of you are looking forward to Resi 5, but nothing is standing out for me yet. I miss those days when I used to say I NEED this game.

    Over and out!
    Last edited by MarioMark; 18-01-2009, 16:31.

    I'm looking forward to playing Resident Evil 4 at last. Persona 4 and other SMT games. Lots of older stuff!

    As for new stuff.... well none really!


      Resident Evil 5 is the only game so far that's on my radar.

      Oh and Call of duty Modern warefare 2. Can't wait for that.

      Will be interested to see how Mad world turns out


        Resident Evil 5
        House of the Dead Overkill

        A few others bit and bobs but only if they are on the cheap.


          Resident Evil 5
          Killzone 2
          Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
          Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

          And hopefully Mass Effect 2!


            A new Assassins creed game would rock but I doubt it'll be out this year. Still... we might see more about "I am alive"

            Oh and Beyond Good and Evil 2! Don't think it'll hit this year but hopefully we at least get some new info about it


              pretty much just street fighter 4, and hopefully that lovely stick.

              until then i'm going to be a bit careful with the cash. so i'm mainly looking at psn titles. ssf2 hd remix has been bought, and toros putting challenge was a nice little diversion. then there's lumines waiting to be purchased, and hopefully not too far off outrun 2 online and nobi nobi boy. maybe even fat princess.
              they should keep me pretty busy without a massive outlay.

              edit, flower too, forgot about that one.
              Last edited by Fuddle; 18-01-2009, 21:17.


                Resi 5 and Killzone 2 are the ones I'm excited about at the moment.


                  Killzone 2
                  Resident Evil 5
                  Heavy Rain
                  God of War III
                  Uncharted 2
                  Halo ODST


                    Hmm, off the top of my head:

                    Mad World
                    Prime 1&2 Wii-makes
                    Resi 5
                    Street Fighter 4


                      Just a mixture of ds & wii stuff, not much on the horizon that i really want yet

                      Mirakuru! Mimika DS
                      Game center CX2

                      Im currently getting wii games that i have missed or not got round to buying, Fatal frame 4 looks like a good one that i should pick up.


                      Bugger i knew id missed one add Oboro Muramasa Youtouden to the list
                      Last edited by importaku; 18-01-2009, 17:39.


                        Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5. And that's it.


                          In no order at all:

                          Resident Evil 5
                          Killzone 2
                          Mad World
                          God of War 3
                          Uncharted 2
                          Oboro Muramasa Youtouden
                          Dark Void
                          Nobi Nobi Boy
                          Black Mesa Source
                          Call of Duty 6 (or Modern Warfare 2 or whatever they decided to call it)
                          Bioshock 2
                          Batman: Arkham Asylum
                          Bionic Commando
                          Brutal Legend
                          Overlord 2
                          Puzzle Quest Galactrix
                          Alan Wake (2009?!)
                          Aliens Colonial Marines (unless the rumours that it's been gimped to remove SP and has gone multi only are true)
                          Red Faction Guerilla
                          Perfect Prosecutor
                          F.E.A.R. 2
                          Patapon 2
                          Dark Siders

                          That's all I can think of off the top of my head but no doubt there's more.


                            Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                            Aliens Colonial Marines (unless the rumours that it's been gimped to remove SP and has gone multi only are true)
                            If that happens, i'll poo in a jiffy bag and mail it to Gearbox. It's one of my mosy eagerly anticipated games of 2009

                            Spookily enough, my list mirrors Spatial101's in many ways.

                            Pretty sure they'll be out in 2009:
                            Street Fighter IV
                            Killzone 2
                            Resident Evil 5
                            Mad World
                            Uncharted 2
                            Aliens: Colonial Marines
                            Batman: Arkham Asylum
                            Bionic Commando
                            GTA: Lost and the Damned (and another one by October, alledegly)
                            Nobi Nobi Boy
                            Red Faction: Guerilla
                            The Conduit

                            Not so sure they'll be out in 2009:
                            God of War 3
                            Heavy Rain
                            Mass Effect 2
                            Aliens: RPG (rumoured to be a third-person Mass Effect style affair, from Obsidian)
                            Alan Wake
                            Yakuza 3 (in English)
                            Sin and Punishment 2

                            Should be excited, but i'm not:
                            Halo: ODST
                            Last edited by [nothing]; 18-01-2009, 17:55.


                              Duke Nukem Forever

