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Why do DS lite speakers sound so quiet?

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    Why do DS lite speakers sound so quiet?

    I always wondered this, and im bored so I thought id ask....

    Why do DS lite speakers sound so quite compared to normal DS ones?

    Anyone know?
    Last edited by rmoxon; 19-01-2009, 00:43.

    I may have imagined it, but I'm pretty sure the speakers on the DS Lite I purchased last August (UK machine) are quieter than the speakers on the Japanese DS Lite I got on launch.


      Really? thats intresting.

      Maybe thats why no one can be bothered releasing rhythm games here, they think we wont hear them...

      In all serious though it is quite frustrating, i cant even hear the mnusic on the new castlevania game without headphones.


        I know what you mean, I was cursing something chronic when I got my UK machine. There's no way my Japanese launch DS Lite was that quiet, I'd of noticed.


          So good you posted it twice.

          I have a Japanese model from August last year and it sounds fine to me, I play Band Bros on it all the time. No discernible difference from what I can remember of the speakers on my old DS.


            I have to use headphones when i play Korg because its so quiet. However, if i run the Neo-Geo emulator on it and play Metal Slug 3 its loud as f*ck! So it can't be the DS, it has to be the software.


              They are a bit quiet. I tend to use them while I'm out anyway, so I tend to use headphones; when I am at home I plug it into my stereo. The most annoying feature of the DS is the microphone, I don't like shouting at the back of people's heads on public transport.


                Maybe the sound from the speakers is just that bad that at high volumes it's too noticeable. So high volumes were removed.

                Sounds likely enough.


                  My lite is actually really quite loud. I only ever have it turned up about half way, usually less, and it's fine.


                    My original DS was an absolute monster, but my DS Lite is a bit quieter. Not that quiet though.

