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Gaming FM - gone?

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    Gaming FM - gone?

    Been listening to this on and off for years, originally on my PC and recently I always had my PSP's internet radio set to Gaming FM.. just tried to connect again (a couple of months since last time I reckon) and I'm not getting anything. I tried to go to the webpage to see what's up, and it's not there!

    I'll be gutted if it's gone, they had a great selection and it's the only place I ever heard that Resident Evil track with the "It's Chris! Why doesn't anyone believe me??" voice over in it... (if anyone knows what that track is called please tell me!)

    If it's gone for good, are there any other good shoutcast alternatives for game music?

    I guess nobody else listens to game music by shoutcast then!

    I still can't find any that are pure game music, there's always too much irritating Anime theme music, or some pratt talking to his IRC mates in between tracks.

    I have located that Resident Evil track though, it's called 'Beast From the East' and is on a Biohazard remix CD from Japan.

