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neXtBox Speculation!

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    neXtBox Speculation!

    Let the speculation begin!

    And finally, what of Epic's future? To paraphrase multiple answers, "no comment." We did run into Cliff Bleszinski, however, who teased that we can't know anything of his current project "for two years."
    So from that, I predict Gears 3 will appear end of 2011 as a launch title for the neXtBox You heard it here first.

    Actually, I thought the neXtBox would be 2012, so it's possible Gears 3 will be the last big title of the 360 in 2011, and Halo 4 will launch with the neXtBox in 2012 - I'm convinced MS will have a huge launch title ready this time rather than relying on Rare

    I pray next gen isn't just one big fanny-about for the casual gamers (most of whom are ultimately gonna ditch gaming as quickly as they joined it) and we end up with Wii style gaming libraries on all consoles.


      Ouenben, you've just described my vision of hell.


        I don't know if I'm an exception here, but not only do I hope we don't end up with Wii style gaming libraries on all consoles, but I also hope we don't end up with Wii-style controllers on all consoles.

        I was new to gaming in the months lading to the Wii's release and I had a huge hard-on for it. The library may be influential, too, but I've just ended up really happy with the whole dual-analogue-sticks thing. It works, I love. FPS FTW. I have played FPS on the Wii, including CoD3 to completion, but I just don't think it's so relaxing to be waving your arm around in the air, and no more "immersive".


          The swinging motion stuff I could take or leave, but I do think pointers should become a standard for games consoles. Imagine how much better RE5 would be if the 360 had an IR pointer. Same goes for any game that requires precision aiming of any kind - not just shooters. When used correctly, Wii's controllers really can add to the experience, and if they became the norm across all systems we might see developers putting this kind of control scheme to good use instead of needlessly including motion support in every title because it's a novelty and they feel they should shoehorn it in there somewhere.


            I think we'll see an xbox next announcement next year and a release 2011 although part of me thinks they might go a bit earlier and release late 2010.


              It's unfortunate that the OG Xbox was killed off in its prime, whilst we're burdened with the ****-house that is the 360 for what's looking like the longest generation of consoles in history. (Except maybe the NES?)

              I was new to gaming in the months lading to the Wii's release and I had a huge hard-on for it.
              He's a witch - burn the witch!
              Last edited by egparadigm; 22-02-2009, 09:13.


                Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post
                We're burdened with the ****-house that is the 360 for what's looking like the longest generation of consoles in history. (Except maybe the NES?)
                What does this even mean?

                While I share your sentiments on the quality of the 360, this generation is only about 3 years old for goodness sake. If they're already planning a new system for 2011 as the OP guesses, then this will actually be a fairly aveerage generation (about 6 years?). We were pushed into it far too early, and frankly I'd be quite happy if this one lasted a good decade.

                NES 8-bit: 1983-1987 (PC-Engine launch)
                16 bit: 1987- Sept 1993 (3DO launch)
                32-bit: Sept 1993- Nov 1998 (Dreamcast launch)
                128-bit?: Nov 1998- Nov 2005 (360 launch)

                There are anomalies in that list, but I'm generally going on the next bit of hardware that felt like a big change. So I'm ignoring the Sega CD et al, and counting the PCE as 16-bit (though people will argue otherwise). And I'm also noting the 3DO and Dreamcast despite their short-term production. I'm also ignoring older systems which continued production after the next big thing came out - otherwise the Famicom will forever hold that spot with 20 years.


                  I think what he means is, box Microsoft and Sony are playing long-ball with their current hardware and expecting a minimum ten year cycle out of their machines. They are too expensive to research and develop any more regularly than that. IIRC Sony's current money troubles is largely due to the billions they had to invest in the Cell for example.


                    I kind of lost here. In what way does that article indicate a new XBox?

                    If I were MS, I'd hold off as long as possible before announcing and then releasing a new machine. I'd still want an early launch advantage, but I'd wait until Sony play their cards first before doing anything.

                    The only thing that migh speed up the next generation is if Sony ditch the PS3 in the same way that MS ditched the original XBox. If not, I agree with MattyD that this will be a long generation.


                      Sony's money problems are due to the downturn in the economy. Though I guess it was only a matter of time before someone blamed Sony for the recession as well

                      What are people hoping to see next gen? Like every sane gamer, I'm worried about the influence the Wii sales will have on the manufacturers. We can see MS want a portion of that market which is fair enough, but how far will they go? Will they forget their "hardcore" base [like Nintendo, he says waiting for the inevitable fanboy flames], or try and find a halfway house?

                      I think the days of huge spec upgrades are behind us right now. A decent PC can do true 1080p at 60fps in every game (except Crysis of course), so the graphics technology shouldn't be hugely expensive.

                      I'd like to think in terms of RAM we'd be looking at a 2gb console, but not sure that will happen. I think for 1080 with a notable jump in texture quality, we should be looking at 768mb for the GPU, and say 1.5gb for the system. Whack in a chipset based on the 4870 GPU and you're almost set to go with the graphics.

                      I'm not sure what direction MS will take with the CPU.

                      I expect BluRay though


                        didnt like the last gen with microsoft ....the sudden stop of games for the original xbox was so suddent and instant

                        ps2 is still getting games released

                        next gen though i hope microsoft learn from the red ring of death debacle


                          It's far too early to be thinking about the next gen, I still term this cycle "next gen" because it still feels new to me. So much untapped potential in all the major players and I'd hate to see all that wasted (again) due to the announcement of a new machine.

                          I won't be expecting a new round of consoles until Mass Effect 3 is done and dusted, and the next Eldar Scrolls has been released.


                            Don't want to hear any talk about the next-gen for awhile and I'm sure the big three are in no rush to launch them.


                              Yeah I agree. Any speculation at this point is futile.

