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Sealed = Stolen?

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    Sealed = Stolen?

    In gamestation today and some guy is at the counter trying to trade in/sell 2 sealed copies of PS2 games, he wanted some crazy price and the shop wouldn't pay. I was just wondering what you all think about selling sealed games, are they all unwanted gifts?

    I got a couple of freebies from EA and I sold them on as sealed to CEX.



      When I worked at a site called Tendo Box a couple of years ago, I got sent all sorts of games, including such classics as Mortal Kombat Advance and Zoocube. CEX didn't pay me anything extra because they were sealed though.


        Through somewhat pecular means (all to do with MS's desire to give us 'gifts' when the Xbox fell in price) I came into possession of 4 German games when I asked for English language versions. Being not too keen on the games anyway (maybe I should have held on to Amped) I took them to the local GAME where a mate worked and I knew everyone in the store and did a straight swap with my unsealed, German games for some other new games. Incidentally I decided to get some PS2 games instead, which probably wasn't the point of MS's 'gift', but all seemed pretty good to me - the lads at Game claimed the German DVDs to be wrong shipments and sent them back to wherever they had to go. And all was good.

        See? Not all sealed games are stolen. But chances are, they have a dodgy story behind them.


          Yeah, dodgy stories like mine, where you try to cancel your Amazon order, because the game has been out for several days and they've still not shipped it, think you've done so and the send it anyway. Meanwhile you've bought a copy locally, and so find yourself with two. Might as well get rid of the sealed one as the unsealed.


            Seen it first-hand myself. Some dodgy looking geezer going into shop with 3 sealed copies of the same game, citing that he "accidentally" received the same game thrice.


              Suppose you have to wonder about all the Ebay sales of new sealed games, however in my case i'd brought a PS2 with 3 games i didn't want, so sold them all. Thats my story and i'm sticking to it.


                Plus there's the small matter of "buy game in sale in shop thats shifting stock cheap, flog it elsewhere for more than you paid"...


                  Haha, I did that with Rival Schools 2: Project Justice, in the bargain bucket at HMV Oxford Street for ?2.50 each (!!!), got 5 copies and sold 4 to cex, got ?12 each


                    Yeah, HMV Oxford St were selling ****loads of new DC games for silly prices and I bought quite a few and sold them on eBay as sealed for profit.

