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PixelJunk Shooter [PSN]

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    PixelJunk Shooter [PSN]

    Details will be announce next week but if you can't wait, the game has a facebook page! Not a hell of a lot of info but from the 2 pictures on facebook and the image on the official website it looks like there will be digging involved.

    It looks like there will be a demo before release according to twitter.
    Originally posted by Dylan Cuthbert
    About to go collect an order of MOS burgers for everyone still at Q working on the PixelJunk 1-4 demo.
    Last edited by JP; 26-05-2009, 17:50.

    My first thought was an updated version of Oids. But that's far too wishful thinking


      Looking forward to seeing what else they come up with. Racers aside (Which was OK), their output on PSN so far has been fantastic.


        I know that I'm one of the minority but I enjoyed Racers.

        It would definitely benefit from a standard PixelJunk Encore pack with multiplayer though. I'm quite surprised they've not done that yet.

        I wonder what the other PixelJunk games hinted at in the website picture will be. It looks like a post box at the end, I've got no idea what the hell it means though.


          For some weird reason, to me at least, those screenshots look like a version of the amiga game Humans that has had the cavemen replaced by fomula one drivers...

          Very odd indeed...

          Still, exciting news regardless.



            Is that a new pic of this game? I don't have a Facebook account and I don't plan on getting one any time soon.

            EDIT: Also, official site is carrying the image.
            Last edited by Number45; 22-04-2009, 16:17.


              OK, this looks ****ing awesome.

              Needs a name though.


                does look nice, looks like defender & scramble with added water

                there is a competition to name as well.


                  That looks wondrous...Been really enjoying Eden so I'm chuffed they've come up with something that looks equally compelling. The colours and art-style kinda reminds me of 'Out of this World'!


                    somehow i'd been expecting a dungeon crawling game or something, but this looks awesome(!!)



                      Dungeons is still coming, just after this. I think Dungeons might be a little grander in scale than the other Pixeljunk games.


                        Looks like it's going to be called PixelJunk Shooter.


                          ha ha i wonder if their gonna use my suggestion
                          called it pixeljunk subterrainian shooter
                          p.s anybody else enter?


                            I did, I spent all of 3 seconds thinking about mine too so due to the effort I put into it I'm really expecting to win this thing!

                            I went for PixeJunk Elements which I suppose would have ended up as PixelJunk Elements Encore sometime in the future.

                            To be honest, I really like the name of PixelJunk 1-4.


                              Don't like the name at all. I quite liked Pixeljunk Geo personally, which I saw mentioned on GAF.

                              Still going to be picking this up as soon as it hits the store though.

