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Halo: Reach dated for 14th September

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    It's much better now it is the wraith and as you say they are pretty weak (4 sniper hits)when the scorpion was there it was really bad because it had such a range and accuracy


      Originally posted by Flabio View Post
      Wraith's are pretty vulnerable if you can get behind them and do the grenade kill. Which is pretty easy with the jetpack or active camo.
      I didn't mean the Wraith's I meant the red things, can't remeber their name but they are a cross between a ghost and a wraith..

      I'm more on about the Tanks really, I just think it would be better as good old caputure the flag on Blood Gulch with just Warthog's, Ghosts, and maybe the Quad bikes too


        I don't like the way you can't headshot the pilot in a hornet. I him a pilot 3 times in the face but he lived.

        What made it more annoying is he was flying over a gap and he had 2 gunners. Headshot is pretty much the only way to kill a pilot anyway so it should be rewarded!

        Anyone confirm if you throw a sticky on your own man then they armour lock it damages surrounding players?

        Would be good to send someone in a room or around the corner with sticky on them then the next man comes in with some nice headshots whilst sticky bomb man stays in lock to recover from fire.


          New Weekly Update

          Lots of playlist changes to multiplayer and Firefight, including Firefight scores being reset. Here are some things I've pulled out, but check the link at the bottom for all the details.

          New maps:

          the Noble Map Pack, and yes it is shipping soon. November 30th in all stores everywhere (and on Xbox LIVE Marketplace).
          We’ll make sure you get to play these suckers as much as humanly possible should you decide to plunk down 800 Microsoft points in support of our DLC Team’s efforts. Unlike the map packs of yore, we won’t only be offering a playlist specifically tailored for players with access to DLC. The haves and the have-nots can swim in the same pool and our newly retooled matchmaking algorithms will systematically segment the player base properly so you won’t have to worry about where you can get your next hit of new map smell. They'll be seamlessly incorporated into the already existing playlists as primary voting options.

          Of course, for those who demand a DLC-only experience, we’ll blow the whistle and open up a VIP lap lane just for you. It'll be ready to go on day one. Details coming soon.
          Credit resets:

          a few thousand people had their credits reset earlier this week for purposefully boosting challenges. It’s odd to witness the lengths certain players will go to in an attempt to snag some ill-gotten spoils, hilarious to read their poor excuses for manipulating their network, and delightful to note how easy it is for our team to catch them red-handed.

          With each Banhammer swing the mass proclamations of profound innocence become more and more entertaining, and with each subsequent smack down the Banhammer becomes more and more addicted to the delectable taste of booster blood. Soon we will unleash it in its fully automated, self-aware form. You have been warned.

          As Rex notes, the machine will be far less forgiving than we are. If you haven’t had a hearty laugh in a good long time, you should check out the aftermath of our latest action in our Halo: Reach forum. (Check the pinned threads for great justice.)

          And although everyone who’s been subjected to a credit reset loudly claims their innocence, caps lock punctuating their perfunctory pleas, we’ve been dutifully researching each case by hand and have yet to find a single player who has been reset without due cause. So from here on out, we’ll only be investigating claims on a case by case basis when asked nicely, and if we determine that you did indeed reset your challenges and that your appeals were nothing but an ill-advised waste of our very valuable time, we’ll extend your credit free existence by two fold to compensate for our trouble.

          Rex already implemented this new double or nothing world order in the forums and notes that he’s only had a handful of players take him up on the offer. The Banhammer's verdicts were just and none have yet to be overturned.

          Long story short, if you’ve been yanking your network cable out of the wall to fool the challenge system (or doing anything else as obviously manipulative of our online experience), please, by all means come crying to us. We’ll have a thread ready to collect your salty reservoir of delicious tears.
          New Forge maps:

          In addition to the Playlist changes, we’re also introducing two new Forge Map Variants with this update, Cliffhanger and Atom. Atom will be on display in the Team Slayer, Team Snipers, Team Objective, Multi Team, and Big Team Battle Playlists. Cliffhanger will be found in Rumble Pit, Team Slayer, Team SWAT, and Team Objective.
          Atom is one hundred percent community made and the creator, JoeSki73, crafted some of his own words to help wrap your head around building something great with the Forge in Halo: Reach.
 : Bungie Weekly Update: 10/15/2010 : 10/15/2010 2:51 PM PDT

          It's worth a read.
          Last edited by MJ; 18-10-2010, 21:48.


            I checked out that new forge Atom map the other night. It's actually a pretty decent map and deceptively big so it will work well for 16 player matches, which will probably be insane on that map.

            At least they're finally moving to a more comprehensive online offering. More maps, more divisions in the playlists to mix up the choices better and I guess with this forge competition we'll see another delivery of user-made content before the end of the year.

            All good in my opinion.


              Studio fight!!
              Originally posted by Bungie

              Late last night, four grown ass men from the award-winning gaming studio Naughty Dog took some time away from crafting their next totally unannounced, super top secret project to square off with us in Halo: Reach. Would their stylishly half-tucked shirts be enough to finally topple our incredible Humpday winning streak?


                The new Map Pack is out today for 800MSP

                Halo Reach is also available on Games on Demand for 5920MSP

                or £49.99 if you prefer to be ripped off with real cash.

                It's only 4000 on the US store. Conveniently Major Nelson hasn't listed the release on his home page.


                  I haven't bothered with the Noble Map Pack yet. I thought 800 MS Points so soon after release was a bit cheeky, especially as a lot of the multiplayer maps on the disc are using locations from the campaign or were made in Forge anyway.

