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assassin's creed worth 10 quid?

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    assassin's creed worth 10 quid?

    guys is assassin's creed for the PS3 worth the 10 quid there asking for it from gamestation, i know its not a lot but if i dont play it then its still a waste ..
    opinions please

    Have a look in the first play thread mate for varied opinions of the game. Personally I really enjoyed the game, well worth ?10.


      I loved this game and would buy it for ?10 in a heartbeat. I didn't find it (as often cited) repetitive until near the end. I liked the main character which was another common gripe, the graphics still hold up brilliantly. The story seems weak at first but it builds up.

      Worth a shot imo but if your considering AC2 it may not be wise to get it as it looks like more of the same in the sequel and as such AC2 will seem more repetitive.


        I really enjoyed the game too, paid full price for my copy (granted it was on 360 but still!). Well worth the money and playing I say!


          If you have a 360 as well as a PS3, go for the prior.

          PS3 is an inferior version in several ways (visuals and bug ridden - memory leaks plague it at certain points in the game. The majority of the final section for example is unitentionally played out in 'bullet time')


            Dude, jus buy it! For a game with such a high production value its a steal at £10 really........ If you don't like it take it back right?



              £10 is a brilliant price for a game so good, on whatever format.


                Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                PS3 is an inferior version in several ways (visuals and bug ridden - memory leaks plague it at certain points in the game. The majority of the final section for example is unitentionally played out in 'bullet time')
                I don't recall any of these problems on my PS3 version.


                  Its well worth it at that price, but you can probably pick it up cheaper second hand in gamestation or some such place. It sold a bajillion copies, hence why its so cheap and you won't get anything for it if you trade it in.

                  But yeah at £10 even with all the monotonous missions, its still worth playing and it feels great exploring the city.


                    Originally posted by Strolls View Post
                    I don't recall any of these problems on my PS3 version.
                    Aye, same here, it was absolutely fine.

                    This is definitely worth ?10 for me. I paid full US LE price for it (Probably about ?70 all in after shipping/tax) and don't regret it one bit. Fantastic game despite the flaws.


                      The memory issue I speak of occured during the final section of the game, specifically during

                      the attack on the assassin's village and keep

                      the first couple of fights played out in slo-mo (unintentional I'm guessing).

                      Once the game was completed and you start up back at the village, the leak was still in effect.

                      This was all on my PAL copy, whether or not I had a dodgy one I don't know however, but as the disk looks fine I'm guessing it's not an exclusive thing.


                        Don't do it !!!!!

                        This game is terrible in my opinion, its nice looking and thats it. The gameplay is so tedious and repetitive that I was bored within 2 hours of playing it.


                          If you are deaf - don't bother.


                            I seem to remember there being subtitles - what a strange thing to say.


                              I bought it for full price on PS3 when it launched, and I was lucky enough to suffer from lots of bugs and it causing my PS3 to either reboot/switch off (I signed up on ubisofts forums and submitted lots of information about when it would go wrong), they released a patch that fixed all my problems a week or two later. Dunno if it was down to having a UK 60GB PS3.

                              Anyway, I'm a lover of the game, certainly has its share of haters though - Marmite game.

