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Nintendo's letter to UK importers

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    Nintendo's letter to UK importers

    The following is a identical copy of the letter that Nintendo have been sending out to UK importers demanding that they refrain from selling import titles that are not available within the UK. This has already caused the closure of numerous UK importers who were simply unable to manage without the sale of Nintendo software. This may well be of interest to some of you, who I am sure have strong opinions on Nintendo's stance on this issue. The source of this document will remain unnamed, for obvious reasons.

    Nintendo are arses.




        the reputation and goodwill of NOE


          Any legal peeps here spot any flaws/loopholes to this. Probably not but worth a try.


            After reading that the ?94 million nintendo got fined, for price fixing last year ain`t looking enough


              I guess my question is, is activity like this enough to make you stop purchasing their products?


                Someone should send this to Anne Robinson she'd have em for breakfast!

                Nintendo really need to grow up.


                  Originally posted by JRMacumber
                  I guess my question is, is activity like this enough to make you stop purchasing their products?
                  Nope, the games and the business are completely different things. Besides, most of these shops sold their import games at rip-off prices anyway. That's why I buy online.


                    i have never understood why it is such a problem for nintendo if we buy grey imports. surely it must be only a small percentage of hardcore gamers that do it, and don't nintendo make money whether we buy it here or in US? am i nieve?

                    i am sure it screws nintendo europe slightly (in their releasing) but they should get theor asses in gear and respect their uk fanbase.

                    importing is hardly piracy is it?

                    it makes me pleased that i have a flash2advance so atleast i don't have to buy snes game i paid for ten years ago again, and the releases are avialable insantously(sp?).


                      You have to wonder how large this market is becoming that Nintendo are actually starting to get this worried about it though.

                      If I was running NOE and it affected maybe 5% of my revenue, I'd do something about it. any lower than that and you have to think they're shooting themselves in the foot as the bad will and publicity (and lack of positive publicity & hype from early adopters) will backfire on them BIG time one day. They're hacking off their most loyal customers and it's not like they're in the kind of market position where they can afford to do that.


                        Only quickly scanned through but doesn't it say "Refrain from selling products produced my Nintendo of Japan in Europe" and not mention NoA published titles?


                          Easiest way to stop grey imports?

                          Release the ****ing games on time.


                            I'll remember to switch off my GBA when I'm entering U.S. airspace next time.

                            I think we need to join the anti-W.T.O. movement. From all the people there I think we, if wearing our office workers outfit (not me pffft), might just be spotted and, in an attempt to appease, maybe invited to discuss some of our grieves. Mistakingly thinking we represent the roaring crowds below they agree to force console makers to stop their sillyness and.....

                            I'm sorry, carry on.[/i]


                              I think we should be allow to do free trade. Big companies love to have free trade when it suit them but things like region coding and grey markets are pathetic.

                              We should be allow to buy anything from anywhere providing it is not fake.

                              Maybe a counter legal action again Nintendo Europe for restriction of trade might make them back off.

