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Gaming Grudges!

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    I took my Megadrive into school on the last day of term once (middle school). I was showing my mates how to complete Sonic the hedgehog with all the chaos emeralds. I'd got all six and was on the last zone (memory fails me what its called) when we were turfed out for lunch and i paused it.

    I came back to find sonic playing away on the title screen. Some bitch from another class had hit the rest button over lunch. To this day im 100% sure she bloody well did it on purpose.
    The teacher was having none of it when i tried to tell her as well, despite me trying to explain how much of an achievement getting all six emeralds was.
    So i pushed the girl into the pond.


      Originally posted by Rick View Post
      So i pushed the girl into the pond.


        Back in the day, I remember a good mate coming over and beating my best time on one of the courses on Super Punch-Out. I was more annoyed about it than I should've been and our mock-up exchange of punches in the spirit of the game ended up with me getting a bit too into it and actually planting him one on the chin, reducing him to tears.

        It should probably be him posting about this; my grudge was quite short-lived and I've felt like a twat about it ever since!


          Originally posted by eastyy View Post
          has anyone had someone switch off a console or caused a power cut etc while in the middle of playing a game while perhaps during a long game or hard fought boss battle etc

          Back when the NES came out a friend of mine got one for Xmas. We spent all day Boxing Day playing it, literally starting first thing in the morning and were still playing as it started to get dark. It had been a long slog but a combo of us managed to get right to the end. The guy playing had jumped and was literally about to touch the axe to knock out the bridge.

          The load of us were going wild. One of the guys span around, caught his foot in the power cable and yanked it right out the wall.

          Everything went deathly silent in a split second. Except for him. He was half way through a 360 celebratory spin going "Wooooooooooooooooooo-yeeeeeeeaaahhh!" at top volume.

          I always remember the look on his face as he completed the spin and found all of us just staring at him in a mixture of horror, anger and amazement. That look, as it quickly dawned on him what he's done.

          I also vividly remember the next bit where the corner of the pad hit him in the face before we all piled him and punched him silly.

          He's never been allowed to forget it.


            Originally posted by Big Seany View Post
            I hate Mayhem and his SFIV Sagat. Bastid!
            But... but...! You've made Sagat sad now...

            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


              Lots of incidents but two spring to mind.

              1: Me and a load of my mates had a Kick Off 2 championship at my Parents house almost 20 years ago. It was a ?1 in and everyone had a team and Me and and my mate Craig got to the final after about a few hours play.

              We were both **** hot at it and it was 0-0 after 90mins. Extra time came, and right at the death before the dreaded penalties I scored. I was dancing and celebrating and craig understandably pissed off kicked his leg out in a temper and booted my amiga about 6 foot in the air

              Game over. No trophy, amiga dead, craig pummelled on my bedroom floor, f*cking wank3r. Still annoys me now.

              2: WoW. Levelling my alt and kept getting ganked by a lvl 70 rogue who then kept laughing and generally taking the piss. I put up with it for about 10 mins as i thought he would get bored but he didn't. Had to be a kid.

              Fortunately i always have my main (epic mage) near my alt to clear areas for looting and to get to non instance bosses to save time.

              I logged out and in and went straight to him and started taking the piss. He had a go and died, and i happily camped him like a sad tw*t for over an hour. He kept coming back and i kept killing him. Childish really but i enjoyed it at the time. I thought i would get bored but i didn't. After about an hour he just never came back so i left it and carried on

              It just has to be done sometimes


                Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                has anyone had someone switch off a console or caused a power cut etc while in the middle of playing a game while perhaps during a long game or hard fought boss battle etc
                Yeah we have had this happen. We played Le Mans 24 on the DC a lot and finally gathered up the courage to go for the 24 hour race. We actually had a power cut in the...... 1st hour. We were lucky, I probably wouldve killed someone if it was in the 23rd hour!

                We also had a far more annoying experience playing Eswat on the good ole MD. We got really far when you get the jet pack and have to avoid all the slime in the lab level and then the TV exploded! It didn't actually blow up but it made the loudest sound Ive ever heard from a telly and died. By the time we tried to paused the game we'd already lost all our lives. I've never finished Eswat for that reason even though it is brilliant.


                  Perfect Dark (N64) split screen, mate was always having a peek and pwning me, so we decided to make a barricade of cardboard greatness. In all fairness he was better than me, but just forget that...
                  Anyway the barricade was up and we resumed, we had only had the game a few days iirc? Whilst having a bit of practise I found the crossbow and the poison which he had somehow missed what with his laptop turret addiction

                  So I made a slight modification to the barricade and proceeded to poison his fat arse, for the entire day/nite.. He was going mental even when he realised the crossbow he simply couldn't see what to do next such a good feeling


                    i used to play my oldest friend quite often at games, other than one game of pro evo i cant remember him ever beating me at anything.

                    we were digging around in his loft and he found a snes so we spent the next 4 hours with us playing mario kart and me winning. until on about the 50th cup he was about to cross the line in first to finally win when I jumped off the sofa and rolled acroos the floor to turn the snes off.

                    dunno why I did it but he still wont play games with me now....5 years later

