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PlayStation "minis"

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    I have to say I'm loving the little exposure I'm getting to these from PlayStation Plus. I've enjoyed what I've played of Age of Zombies, Alien Zombie Death and Blast Off so far.


      I really enjoyed Blast Off and I think I'm addicted to Monsters (probably) Stole My Princess.

      You accuse a monster of stealing your princess and it does a runner, you have to jump up the platforms to catch it and then double jump to attack it. You need to do this three times before it leaves the building.

      It really doesn't sound good but I can't stop bloody playing it.


        Yeah, it's on my list with Young Thor. Do you play them on the PS3? I can never bring myself to play games like that when I have the PS3 at my mercy, but they're great for a few minutes here and there on the PSP.


          PS3 or PSP. PSP seems to be nicer though, smaller screen and that.
          Kept you waiting, huh?


            Originally posted by Number45 View Post
            Yeah, it's on my list with Young Thor. Do you play them on the PS3? I can never bring myself to play games like that when I have the PS3 at my mercy, but they're great for a few minutes here and there on the PSP.
            Young Thor is another one that I enjoy.

            I only really play them on the PS3 and I think many of them look really good on a larger screen. I've been quite surprised by how good some of them play on the PS3 and they've certainly improved technically since the earlier games.
            Last edited by JP; 06-08-2010, 00:02.


              I don't know what it is, but as soon as I can get on the PS3 I feel the need to maximise my time by playing a 'proper' game on it. So minis and even more meaty PSN arcade style games get ignored in favour of whatever 'main' game I'm playing at the time.

              I guess it's a by-product of how little time I get on the PS3.


                Resurrecting this thread to rave a bit about the PSP mini I've been playing all day: Archibald?s Adventures. It's absolutely brilliant.

                It's a puzzle/platformer game with the emphasis very much on puzzles rather than reflexes. The basic goal is just to get to the exit of each level, by triggering switches, re-arranging blocks, avoiding enemies and so on. It sounds really simple, but level design is fantastic - some of the stages just seem like they're completely unsolvable at first, which makes it really satisfying when you finally figure them out.

                Loads of levels, and they introduce or change aspects of the gameplay as you go through the worlds, so there's a good variety of challenges.

                It's available for iPhone too, btw, though I'm not sure how well it'd work with a virtual dpad.


                  Thats looks really good, very tempted to get it now.

                  I play quite a few of these as there's some really good stuff available and now that they have sales for 99p they're worth taking a risk on. I'm always a little cautious paying for them as I'm a PLUS subscriber which gives at least two a month free.

                  These are the minis that I've playing recently. As you'll see from the videos quite a few are also available on other formats but I tend to buy minis over iPhone Apps for the benefits of having proper controls even though they sometimes cost a bit more

                  Blimp: The Flying Adventures


                  A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks

                  Who's That Flying?

                  Flying Hamster



                    A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks got a really good review on IGN, but I'm not overly keen on it. Lovely presentation, but the in-game graphics aren't all that and the controls have way too much inertia, which was the big problem I had with it.

                    Another decent one I've been playing is Fortix. It was initially overly hard and unfair, apparently, so the reviews are a bit so-so but they released an update which rebalanced it. I'm not normally keen on Qix games, but it's quite a neat strategic variant on it where you have to activate defences and powerups and capture castles. Bit short, but fun while it lasts. And I've only played through on Normal, to be fair.

                    Looking forward to PIX?N LOVE RUSH:


                      A new port of Speedball 2 is coming very soon apparently. I love Speedball so will probably have to get it, although I do remember it being really awkward to play on the GBA because it's just not made for widescreen. The other negative is that the new sprites look horrendous for some reason.

                      Still, it's Speedball 2.


                        Was thinking of getting an iPod touch for the games you just can't get elsewhere, one of which was Angry Birds. It recently came out on the PS store for £2.49, and it's really nice! Apparently it's not as big as the iOS version, but there are plenty of levels and the analogue stick works as well as the touch screen. Worth the money.

                        Got Alien Zombie Death at the same time, which is also pretty damn sweet.

