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recommend me PSN PS1 japanese games

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    recommend me PSN PS1 japanese games

    guys im gonna buy a card for the japanese PSN, i know quite a few games i want around 10 or 15 but dont know all the classic japanese quirky PSN PS1 games, so could the forumites recommend me a few. Thanks

    If you want quirky, I'll throw in a vote for Money Idol Exchanger, which is a PS1 port of a Neo-Geo puzzle game. It's a stuff-tries-to-crush-you, you-try-to-make-matches-to-make-stuff vanish sort of puzzle game, with the quirk being that you're playing with Japanese coins. So, for example, you need to match up five 10 yen coins to make one 50 yen coin, but only two 50 yen coins to make one 100 yen coin, five 100 yen coins to make a 500 yen coin, and matching two 500 yen coins together clears them off the board - there's no 1000 yen coin in Japan.

    You can set up really crazy chains, it's a lot of fun if you like the genre.

