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Rockband with a standard controller?

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    Rockband with a standard controller?

    Please don't laugh, I have no idea about these games because None have ever been or will by the looks of it, released in Japan for the Wii.

    I ordered the Beatles Rockband stand alone game for Wii from Amazon US because they wouldn't ship the instruments plus I couldn7t really afford them anyway after shipping. So what I'd like to know is can these games be played with standard controllers or do you need the instruments? If you do need the instruments then that brings me on to my second question. I read that the Guitar Hero guitars work with Rockband. Is this true? If so I can pick up a cheap Wii Guitar here in Japan.


    i cant say for sure but i doubt you can use a normal controller, not that you would even want to try.

    again im not sure on this as ive not tried but i think guitar hero instruments work with rock band 2 so i assume beatles will be fine.

    out of curiousity do the guitar hero games get released in japan? and whatever happened to rock band:japan? i was pumped for that


      Only Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock games were released for Wii in Japan but I'm sure a few more came out on the 360 and PS2 / 3 but not half as many as the west. I doubt we'll ever see any Rockband software in Japan though on any system
      Last edited by Yakumo; 02-09-2009, 12:38.


        This'll sort you out:

        In Rock Band Rivals, form your own band, rock the world, and live out your ultimate rock and roll fantasy, with your friends, family, or as a solo act.

        Lists all the instruments against each game on each platform and tells you whether they work or not.


          That's a very good link,thanks. So according to that I can just use the guitar that comes with Guitar Heros 3 which did get a Japanese release. Sorted. thanks.



            You actually got quite lucky Mark that you didnt goto the cost of importing them as the usa instruments won't play on a jpn wii using gecko os. Well not entirely true as it depends on what firmware you have installed but lots of people have been having problems getting them to work.


              Really? Thank God for that. Just imagine if I'd forked out 180 dollars for the Deluxe set then another 70 odd on shipping only to find they didn't work. Phew! Looks like I'll be using a JPN Guitar Hero's guitar then. may not look as cool but better than nothing.

              Man, Japan really is poor for Wii gaming this year!


