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Win Zombie Apocalypse for XBLA - now closed

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    Win Zombie Apocalypse for XBLA - now closed

    Suitably timed for Halloween, Console Arcade is giving away two copies of Zombie Apocalypse for XBLA.

    See here on how to enter:

    Closing date is midnight this coming Friday (30th) - there's also PSN versions up for grabs if that takes your fancy.

    Good luck!

    Just a reminder that the closing date is midnight tonight, so get those entries in


      How many entries do you get for these Spats? I only ask cos I have entered almost all of them unsuccesfully!


        Quite a few, it usually varies depending on what the game is.

        A lot of the competitions are also promo'd by the people sponsoring the give away - I wouldn't let that put you off though. 90% of the time to date the winner has been someone from on here or RLLMUK.

        It just seems to have worked out that way as the draw is totally at random. If you enter you really do have as much chance of winning as anyone else


          Trust me, statistically I have no chance of ever winning anything ever.


            I actually won this so thanks to the guys at Console Arcade!


              Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
              It just seems to have worked out that way as the draw is totally at random. If you enter you really do have as much chance of winning as anyone else
              I bet if you worked it out by how many people are really entering, then you would have more chance of dieing on your desk chair from a coronary than you have of winning the competition.

              Thus I barely enter; raising the odds for everyone else to win. Kron should be thanking me...


                Originally posted by Kron View Post
                I actually won this so thanks to the guys at Console Arcade!
                You're welcome

                More competitions coming in the near future so keep your eyes pealed.

                Originally posted by Malc View Post

                Thus I barely enter; raising the odds for everyone else to win. Kron should be thanking me...
                Conversely, by not entering you make me think that you don't care.

                That makes me sad. Then angry. Then sleepy. Then back to sad again. Then a little hungry.


                  Not aroused? Even once?



                    At my age such a wide range of conflicting emotions over such a short period of time just tends to leave me confused.


                      Thanks Malc, I love you!

