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Dungeon Siege like gameplay mechanic

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    Dungeon Siege like gameplay mechanic

    Back in the day when I was playing Dungeon Siege on PC, that they had this experience gimmick where you would gain experience specifically for the type of weapon you are wielding. Such as sword, axe, mace, ranged or something.

    You might hate me for this but it might not be Dungeon Siege but I am sure of playing an action RPG which had a similar gameplay mechanic to it.

    Ring any bells?

    Im sure lots of games let you gain experience for specific weapon types, actualy just recently borderlands has done somthing simular.

    Off the top of my head I cant think of any other right now though, sorry.


      World of Warcraft handles weapon levelling like that as well, can't think of anything else that I've played.


        World of Warcraft's weapon levelling is just a timesink though and really serves to ensure it's impossible to kill something 6 levels higher than you


          Does Oblivion do that as well?

          I know I ended up jumping everywhere to level my agility.


            Haha- I did that too, jumping literally everywhere and I got up to the point where I could walk on water.

            Yeah, Oblivion works like this though weapons-wise. Not down to individual weapon-level, but certainly in terms of classes of weapon, so bows, short swords, long swords, melee weapons etc.
            Last edited by endo; 01-12-2009, 08:09.


              borderlands does that I think. other than that... quest for glory?

