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Best console combo

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    Xbox and GBA


      Only two?

      I sold my X-box a few months back after Panza dragoon seriously disappointed...feeling pangs of regret now KoTOR is out tho'

      But I do really NEED by Gamecube and PS2 and surely GBA doesn't count...I mean what would a train journey be without it...unthinkable!


        From the 4 you've listed I would choose PS2 and GBA.

        There is a better diversity of software on these 2 systems, Im really not a fan of whats being made as exclusives on the PC and Xbox currently.


          well i'd say ps2 and gamecube

          ps2 because it has alot of racing games i like and other games

          gamecube because it has resident evil series, metroid prime, mario kart etc

          i've had a xbox and sold it because i thought it was crap.


            ps2 and dreamcast


              PS2 + Xbox

              Best of east and west


                My combo consists of a my pc(very much a games machine) and my chipped up xbox. My main use for the xbox is to play avi files an stuff, which i download via my pc. My kids use the xbox far more than i do.


                  PS2 - For RPG's and everything else game related.

                  Gamecube - For Nintendo games, and interesting Japanese developement.

                  I have an Xbox and it is the most unused console I have ever owned. Emulation is its only hope.

                  GBA - Great machine but books are good on the tube also.


                    I would say that it should deffo be a PS2 and something else. The PS2 has the widest range of software and generally there is more than enough to please any gamer.

                    As for the other console that is harder. I bought my cube for rogue leader, smb and the new mario game. Personally If have not enjoyed the new mario game (its a good game but there are too many niggles for me) and I didn?t get into prime (fusion is much better) but I really enjoy Ikaruga and animal crosssing is interesting. Zelda is a very neat package also.

                    If you travel a lot the GBA is a good buy because there are some excellent games on there Advance Wars Pokemon, Breath of Fire, Golden Sun, Metroid Fusion and many good puzzle games too.

                    Xbox is a good buy for Halo. Its my multiplayer machine so games like conflict desert storm are great when you got four people together. To me it seems there are less 'must have' titles on the xbox (IMO, even though im not keen on mario and prime they are must have titles) KOTOR is good ghost recon although a rushed port of the PC game is good. I prefer the xbox to my cube right now but it swings from month to month.

                    PC is good if you like err... PC gaming. personally i need my counterstrike fix so I could be without a PC, thankfully though I dont need a cutting edge machine. There are some good FPS due out on the PC and obviously the multiplayer communities are much bigger with PC gaming. Icewind Dale , Baulders gate 1 and 2 are excellent examples of D&D rpgs and you could get them cheap and not need a cutting adge machine to run them. Most of the good fps and tactical shooters are PC based, and you can get the excellent Civ 3 on PC too. But if you do want a cutting edge machine remember you will pay for it.

                    In the end its up to you.

                    Do you like Nintendo Games then get a cube
                    If you travel a lot and would enjoy games more reminiscent of 16bit era get a GBA
                    If you like multiplayer gaming, FPS, stategy games, and western RPGs get a PC (but remember the cost)
                    If you err... none of the above fit then get an Xbox :P

                    Whatever you choose though you shouldn?t really be disappointed because there will be plenty to keep you happy.


                      A couple of years ago, in fact, maybe a year ago, you wouldn't have caught me dead wanting a PS2, but I half do. Mainly because I like having two consoles I actually play on.

                      I have an Xbox and GCN right now. The Xbox is modded (best thing I almost never did). Getting a new HDD at the end of the month, oh yes! And is just so good. KotOR is amazing, Halo is always brilliant, Burnout 2 is lush, SCII is quite ace, and there are loads of others I can't remember! The emus are damn amazing though.

                      My GameCube...hasn't been played in, about 4 months now, thinking about it. Last game I played on it was Eternal Darkness, got bored. Viewtiful Joe and Killer 7 are the only games I want to play on it, otherwise, I don't feel any need. Going to sell it soon, or trade it. Waste of space. Loads of **** on it too (Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime are included in that, and Zelda isn't far off).

                      The GBASP, possibly the other best console. Sonic, Mario, Advance Wars, Wario Ware, Inc, Advance Wars 2!, Golden Sun, Boktai, and all the rest, are too good to miss out on. Oh yeah, and the FF series.

                      PC...don't bother. Too expensive, and you have to keep up if you really want to play the latest games. Or even fairly recent ones really.

                      So yeah, my recommendations, the Xbox and GBA SP. Send your Xbox to Yod@ on, and you'll be one happy bunny.


                        I'd say gamecube and ps2 but I like my xbox too.


                          I say get a GP32 for portable gaming.

                          The snes emulator is coming along nicely.

                          It has a good megadrive emulator.

                          And the GBA emulator should be out later in the year/


                            I think GC an PS2 complement each other perfectly, the GC having the wonderful 1st party exclusives, and then the PS2 getting all the sporting/racing goods to back it up.

                            Tho I'd have a GBA and a DC too...then a PC...and bah, all of em! :P


                              Modded Xbox and GC. You'll never need to leave your house again.


                                Originally posted by Max M
                                GameCube and Dreamcast.
                                That's the set up in my kitchen and they compilment each other really well. Virtua Tennis 2 or Bluestorm over lunch is a favourite. More people should have consoles in their kitchen.

