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Are you happy with your online gaming service?

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    Are you happy with your online gaming service?

    Obviously my post is going to be aimed more at Xbox LIVE because I use that more than PSN, but more importantly I PAY for XBL, whereas I can (personally) forgive the PSN more because it costs nothing.

    I'm utterly sick of the way MS allow cheating, glitching, hacking of all sorts on a premium paid service. Every time I find a game I love, it ends up glitched, ruined...utterly ruined and as soon as the game devs patch it, new glitches are found.

    Microsoft should be coming down HARD on these people, they are ruining the service for others and they should be banning these people, outright banning.

    Alright, it's hardly an expensive service, but it costs enough, it's full of ads (now anyway), and you have to host games yourself, meaning if you get in a match with people from across the pond, you've really no chance as they'll be host and your ping rating will be ****e.

    Even worse, even with all that, even though the "closed" system is consantly opened by these glitchers, is that games with level creation, community based features that could be can very rarely share them because MS consider that a thread to their "well policed" service...we can't have N+ levels full of cocks and tits now can we!!

    So yeah, I'm seriously considering not bothering renewing my Gold status after it runs out in January, I don't see why I should continue to pay for a service that they just take your money and couldn't give a **** about.

    As for the PSN, it's "okay", but it's a long way behind XBL even now, having to have "chat rooms" is archaic and just plain crappy. At least they have dedicated servers, but the "open" system whereby they allow any bluetooth mic just makes that a mess as well.

    So, next gen eh? I'm not so sure that the online service are where they could or should be!

    I'm aware this is a very moany post and I've absolutely love to hear positive opinions as well as yeah...thoughts, opinions?

    Edit: If a mod could add a poll that'd be great!

    Well, I can certainly see you point but it doesn't bother me. I don't play online against people I don't know so it doesn't really affect me. I got my 360 purely to play online Fifa against 2 of my mates and any other people I have picked up along the way.
    I have no interest in beating a total stranger, might as well play the computer.


      Yep, perfectly happy.

      My online experiences have consisted mainly of Warhawk, Wipeout, Killzone, Blazblue and Demon's Souls. All of them have been great experiences, and that's not including the benefit of simply having the PSN and the quality downloads like Flower/Noby Noby Boy/Outrun etc. I don't need anything else (cross game chat etc, no thanks, I'm not there to talk).

      Warhawk plays like an offline game, the network performance is so good.

      Blazblue has a lot of great online features (the spectating and stuff) and once again is incredibly solid, enough that I felt I was finally involved in a proper fighter, which I could never say before. Never had human opponents to play against.

      And Demon's Souls use of online is so innovative.

      Of all the games I've played, only Wipeout has had flaky moments - and those have come and gone (and come back again) with the patches so it's not so much a service issue as a coding issue I think.

      Great days for network gaming, and I used to be vehemently opposed to the whole idea.

      edit - how easily we forget, I had completely blanked MGO from my mind. That was over run with cheaters and glitchers and Konami did nothing to resolve it whatsoever. But the fact I've completely forgotten about it now shows it's not such a big deal when there are plenty of other quality multiplayer games to make up for it.
      Last edited by Darwock; 05-12-2009, 14:44.


        Even though i own a JPN 360, i refuse to pay for XBL. Don't kid yourselfs, it should be free.

        However, if i was paying for XBL, i'd expect nothing less than a 1st class service and judging by this thread that isn't the case. MS should sort it out.

        If i'm playing online it'll be on PC or PSN.


          I don't really think glitching etc is down to Microsoft, it's up to game developers to sort it (or not) and dish out a punishment (reduced leveling etc). Some people on Youtube want games like MW2 to introduce means of stopping 'campers', how would you introduce that and more importantly it shows that there is a range of what people find acceptable conduct online.

          If you don't like people "Cheating", however you interprit that, then you need to build up a good network of friends to play the game with.

          As I said, I don't think it is down to Microsoft to punish people for their game playing stratergies, only for abuse etc


            The worst thing is the way that the Live user review thing works or rather doesn't.

            There are people who have actively bragged about how they cheat online and despite avoiding them, I constantly get matched against them.

            And the whole 'Zone' thing? What a load of bollocks that is.

            I play FIFA for fun, not to be matched up against some 'Pro' who plays it 25 hours a day 8 days a week and get hammered because he knows all the scripted ways to score.

            To be fair for the ?40 a year, it's a load of bull**** and the only reason I keep paying it is to chat to people online while playing a game.


              I like Live, people cheating annoys me and I do wish people who continually drop out of games were punished in some way. That said, I would happily pay the 40 quid a year just to be able to play online with my brother.


                Xbox Live isn't ?40 a year, more like ?32


                  Shows how much I pay attention then, I just pay the thing without thinking.


                    I paid ?26 for 13 months. I don't even use Live. Probably just keep silver when it expires.


                      i let my gold live run out early this year, and havent missed it one bit.

                      psn is more than good enough for me. i generally only play one game at a time, so i dont care about cross game invites. and the fact most people dont have mics is a blessing in disguise imo.
                      not sure what else live is supposed to have to make it (?30) better.


                        Originally posted by FamiDude View Post
                        ...the only reason I keep paying it is to chat to people online while playing a game.
                        It's getting like that for me, usually playing different games, it's like a "free" way of chatting to mates on the "phone" whilst playing a game.


                          There are some minor annoyances but I am very happy with Xbox Live. PSN, the functionality needs improving but I don't really play online on the PS3 much so yeah I am happy for now.


                            Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                            I paid £26 for 13 months.....Probably just keep silver when it expires.
                            Same here. I don't really go on live that much nowadays so I doubt I'll renew.

                            I don't know if it's cos of the festive season, but I find myself swaying towards the PS3. Stuff like built-in Wi-Fi, Blu-ray player, exchangeable hard disks, rechargeable controllers and free online gaming as standard is difficult to resist lol.


                              More than satisfied with my Wii online. Looking forward to MH3 being free to play when it comes out in English.

