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Sick of waiting for games to come to your country?

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    Sick of waiting for games to come to your country?

    Yesterday, I was wondering how long it would be before Heartgold/Soulsilver came to Australia. I figure having been out in Japan since September, it couldn't be that long. Then I find out that there isn't even a known release for Australia! I think, "I'll probably import it anyway," then find out that it doesn't come out until Spring in America and the UK! That's August here! What could possibly take so long for a game to arrive that has already been made and played for three months!?

    As i pondered this, I wondered, has anyone else been waiting and waiting for something, to find that it's not going to come to your country several months after it was first released elsewhere?

    Used to bother me, don't care anymore as there are so many great games I haven't even played.


      Same as nakamura. Too many games bought too soon for too much money. Me = idiot.

      Plus North America gets most stuff before Japan these days, it's just the really niche titles that they/we don't. And SRW games (naturally those are my favourites).

      Can I point out Australia had Animal Crossing on the GameCube more than a year before Europe? My first import game. From Australia. Perhaps that one was a fluke though.


        Excitebike64 - was out a year before Europe in Australia. I imported from but that seems to be just an ebay shop now.


          I used DVDcrave for my Aussie imports.


            Not really, I just import the games I actually want.

            I've already completed SoulSilver in Japanese..


     longer care.


                Well I was a Wii owner here in Japan but the lack of any western games really did piss me off. We got **** all in Japan. Dirt 2 came out foe 360 and PS3 but Wii, did it bollocks. In this year I imported 6 Wii games from the US to Japan and bought 2 Japanese Wii games. that's how bad the Wii releases are in Japan. In the end I said sod it and sold my very good collection and bought a Japanese 360 elite which I have never regretted. Pretty much region free imports and some kick ass Japanese exclusives.


