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Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days

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    Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days

    could not find a thread, but I feel new trailer deserves one

    You play as Lynch this time and the cameras are all realworld ones, not some floating one behind the player all the time.
    IO are saying this is (trailer) all in engine


    *dust hands and walks away*

    *comes back*

    Actually that trailer isn't half bad, but the first game was nothing but a poisonous train wreck of a game that it's hard to be remotely excited about a sequel. I'd be tempted to play through it just to point and laugh.


      The first game had a ton of good ideas and was just not finished, even if this is a 2/5 game I would preffer this to a million call of generic quake 3 any day


        I really liked Kane and Lynch for the first half - two thirds of the game, didn't enjoy it so much when they went off to some other country. The biggest problem was that it blatantly wasn't finished but I still enjoyed quite a bit of it. Really liked the atmosphere and look of it, characters and story too, especially the dark sense of humour. Personally I'm more interested in Kane and Lynch 2 than another Hitman game, a series I've never really got on with. My ultimate IO game would be a new Freedom Fighters game though, god I loved that.
        Last edited by mr_woo; 16-12-2009, 23:28.


          Ditto on most of that. I'd love a new Freedom Fighters - still one of the best squad combat-lite games ever released - but if they tighten the first K&L up just a little I'd still be interested. Liked the gunplay, loved the story up until Cuba - the execution at the construction site is still one of the best set-pieces I've ever seen in a videogame - loved the unremitting bleakness (best use of multiple endings ever? Could well be). Didn't like the horrendous (almost comically bad) AI, the underwhelming graphics and the poor level design. Still a step in the right direction - games must not always be Sega-blue-sky 'fun'.

          Oh, and yes, the things people pick up on with K&L while they're happy to let the ludicrous nonsense in Hitman slide amuses me. It already is a murder simulator, nothing more.


            2 player co-op online perked my ears up, this trailer got my attention.
            Last edited by Family Fry; 17-03-2010, 21:38.


              I'm hesitant to say `that looks quite good` because I said that about the first one. And playing that was like having a red hot poker rammed viciously up my bum... I would imagine...


                You sold it to me, ringpoker. It was alright in co-op.

                I really do hate blood splatter on the screen when you're hit. Or indeed any type of vision-obscuring redness.

                It sucked in Dragon Age. It was a damnable ****fest in MWII. I hated that element of the game, it was almost game-ruining for me.

                Ok, I get it. I got hit. That's no reason to make it ten times more awkward to see what I'm doing. I'm pretty sure that when someone gets shot in the foot they don't have large red patches appearing in their eyeballs. If a game wants to tell me I'm shot, and should have my efficiency impaired, then reduce targetting stability by 10% or something. Don't just bathe the screen in red, cos I can't bloody see. My eyesight is **** anyway, and I can't cap off that terrorist firing at me through a credit card-sized gap in the doorframe (after spotting me at a 100 degree angle) if the sodding screen is full of red blotches.


                  I can't have, my copy is still here!

                  Oh dear God, don't tell me I had two copies of this?!


                    Lol, false alarm.

                    It was Dots who sold me his.

                    But the fact that you still have your copy speaks volumes about a love for hot things poked up your ring


                      You know me too well.

                      Keeping the game is like whipping yourself with a birch twig. I like to look at it from time to time and chastise myself. Although I did toy with the idea of eating it, crapping it out and sending it to the developers in a nice little box, but decided not too. In fact, even that would probably have been more fun than playing the damn thing.

                      Still at least this utter travesty was responsible for giving us one of the best gaming related site on the Internet - Giant Bomb

                      It's an interesting title for the second game when you think about it. Dog Days can mean a long period of stagnation when nothing much of interest happens.

                      Probably not the best description you'd want associated with your game...


                        The first was full of good ideas none of them actually followed thro on.
                        The atmosphere was great and the new ingame trailer has lots of style and great animation, if IO are back on their game then this could live up to the promise of the franchise.


                          Kanye and lynch?

                          Mr west and jamie fizz are said to Be in a film of this


                            Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                            Kanye and lynch?

                            Mr west and jamie fizz are said to Be in a film of this
                            If the cole train in the gears of war movie was played by a White guy, then half the Internet would explode in double standards!


                              Originally posted by dvdmike View Post
                              If the cole train in the gears of war movie was played by a White guy, then half the Internet would explode in double standards!
                              In the film does not equal they are taking the staring roles.

