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[comments] Borderlands review

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    [comments] Borderlands review

    Borderlands review

    Thanks to Oli for the words and Jamie for the banner.

    Great review, I've asked for this for Christmas and it's sounding great and full of silly charm.

    Also NTSC-UK's review is against the grain of others so I'm glad to see 2 sides of the story.


      For me this is the sleeper hit of the year , great review and well done on the banners to, always like your work Jamie.


        Good review. I have still only played this single player, but for me it's easily one of the years finest. It's just such a good balance, which is rare in a lot of titles now.


          I enjoyed and finished the game, but had a few gripes with it - namely, for a game that is essentially focussed on your inventory (and the management of) I felt the inventory screens were slightly cluttered and didn't always make it easy to find what you were looking for.

          The second big issue for me was the lack of narrative, for me at least, it didn't feel as if there was some overarching story that I was a part of, but that I was going from one mission to the next and crossing them off without any great coherence. Also, mission briefings etc... essentially boiled down to you reading a paragraph of text then going on your merry way.

          Although, that could be because I completed every mission available, therefore interrupting the "main quest" missions frequently.

          Finally, which is a flaw not just isolated to this game but some RPGs in general, is that after a certain point, you have collected so much money and have so many good weapons that the compulsion to check every single piece of loot that is dropped really starts to wear thin and by the end of the game I wasn't even really bothering to check anything as the weapons I had collected were more than adequate to complete the game.

          Overall I really enjoyed it (as attested to by some of my 4 hour sessions), especially the characters and the setting, and it was definitely excellent fun co-op, but a little more attention to the story would have put it amongst the best for me.


            Originally posted by cHawKso View Post
            The second big issue for me was the lack of narrative, for me at least, it didn't feel as if there was some overarching story that I was a part of, but that I was going from one mission to the next and crossing them off without any great coherence. Also, mission briefings etc... essentially boiled down to you reading a paragraph of text then going on your merry way.
            For me this was a plus point. Lets face it, if the story was padded out it would most likely be crap anyway. The game doesn't need it.


              Its great in co-op. A game I'll be keeping for a long time because it'll have a lot of replay value.

