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Switching games between memory card and PC? (PSP)

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    Switching games between memory card and PC? (PSP)

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, and I probably sound like a huge noob.

    I've just got my first PSP (3003)and a 4 gig memory stick..which I thought would be more than enough (I'm used to my R4, 4 gigs would go a long way on a DS D before I saw how huge some of the PSone classics are. And thats before I even try to put some photos or videos on the thing.

    I was wondering if its possible to switch out games from the card? For example, If I decide I'm sick of playing one of the PS1 games, or I complete it, could I in essence 'put it back on the shelf' by storing it on my PC, to be loaded back on- saves and all- if i choose to at a later date? I'd much rather only have the one or two PS1 classics/PSN games/whatever with me at any one time rather than spend 30 quid on a bigger memory card and having this one go to waste.

    I know you can just re-download them, but that takes bloody ages, and I know there are restrictions on how many times you can do it. Also a bit nervous that at some point they'll boot us all off our US accounts and I'd rather have a backup...

    When I bought an 8GB card recently, I just dragged everything over from my old card and it worked without redownloading. I think you're safe to move stuff onto your PC and back.


      Yeah you can just copy. It doesn't take an image of the card or anything, the DRM is embedded in the games themselves


        Huzzah! Thankyou

