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Do you spend more time talking about games than playing?

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    Do you spend more time talking about games than playing?

    Recently I've noticed that I probably spend about 5-10x as long reading about games or the machines they're run on and discussing them than actually playing them when they arrive. Notable exceptions are Zelda TWW and Advance Wars2.

    Most other games I just don't seem to have the time or motivation to dig into. I've got a hardly played stack including;
    Soul Calibur2
    Mario Golf:TT
    F-Zero GX

    Are there too many games? Or are there just too many sites, forums & opinions about them and I should stop trying to keep up? Or is it just that the mystique, gossip & rumours around the games is often more interesting than the actual content?

    I plan on playing HalfLife2 until my eyes come out on stalks though.

    You've got too much money and a short attention span.

    I had this until I sold every game I knew I wouldn't play.


      Meh, I agree with you to a certain extent. I do agree that an excessive amount of games, and especially good PC titles for ?3.33 each makes me want to buy loads, but actually put little time into them.

      But I still play for about 2 hours a day with my friends on the N64, and play Halo Co-Op once or twice a week for 2 hours - each session - on top of that. And, now I've picked up Soul Calibur I have found myself playing that atleast once a day.

      Although, currently I've got restricting hours of school and work, so that amount'll probably dip soon.

      But, I enjoy talking about games, and long on this 3 times a day to talk for atleast 20 mins a time, so that is at a minimum and hour a day spent just talking...

      I think that the anticipation and wonderful topics as well as the interesting roumers and strong advice given on this board and across the net makes talking about games equally fun at times, and, well, there is no harm in that.

      But I will be joining you in playing Half-Life 2 until I die of heart failure.


        If I have any spare leisure time I'll always play games rather than talk or read about them.

        When locked in the office, I find forums such as these keeps me sane.

        It's a clear distinction though. If I have the choice, i'll always play games rather than talk about it.

        Horses for courses though, everyone reading this would probably consider games amongst their hobbies, so whether you gain enjoyment by actually playing more or talking more doesn't really matter.

        I do agree about the amount of games that are out now that are tempting seems to be increasing. Relative to the time I have to spend playing games I can pretty much afford any game that I'm interested in.

        What that means is that I have to constantly remind myself that there's no point getting the latest release as I still have about 15 games across the current 3 consoles that deserve more of my time as it is.

        And it also means that many of the new releases that you boys go on about, I know that i'll never get chance to fully appreciate.


          Do you spend more time talking about games than playing?



            Kinda depends if you view the forums at work or not.

            So many games are just offering more of the same these days that it's often more worthwhile to just read up on other people's opinions of them and play the ones you feel are worth it, if you can find the time. I don't really have the time right now Still haven't had the oppertunity to get VJ, F-Zero GC etc.


              Not anymore I don't. I'm trying to spend much less time on my PC while I'm at home, so that leaves more time to game. Plus, I've been powering through Midtown Madness 3 lately, and playing it online is such a joy that I can't spend enough time doing it.


                I do these days on account of the fact I have no consoles and no money. For me it's like watching a holiday show.


                  I do Choddo.

                  These days i read and build up games much more than i play them.

                  Metroid prime + Zelda have had 8 hours between them ! Both bought @ USA launch. (infact i have Jap version of zelda aswell !!!)

                  Ive put a fair ammount into F-zero + Initial D but not the kinda time i used to put into a game.

                  Its having more gaming money i guess, when i was @ school/colleuge i was paying silly money for imports ?60 -?120 so fewer games where bought and they got more time !

                  Also having all 3 current consoles, a PC and various older machines sometimes i buy a new game only to go back to a older game on another machine !


                    If you include the time I spend at work, which I spend some of it here. I'd have to say yes...that is if talking is posting meaningless drivel that makes me feel good about games.


                      yes, and I don't like it

                      My attention span has diminished so much it's untrue, I jus need another game to grab me I guess. Am reduced to GC an PS2 + very limited budget within a fortnight tho, so I'm hoping things will improve then.


                        Second hand and DC bins are the killers for me. I can walk out of a shop with an armful of games on the weakest of reccomendations, simply because they are often under ?5 each...

                        ... I just can't say no!

                        I think that if I had only 4 games per platform I'd probably complete them all and put more time into gaming though.

                        I'm just stocking up now, so I have something to fall back on during the 3 years of UNI.


                          Originally posted by nips
                          I'm just stocking up now, so I have something to fall back on during the 3 years of UNI.
                          that sounds like a good idea, but I bet u still buy new games at uni, and so the unplayed pile jus keeps buildin up and up, I'm startin myself so am tryin the opposite, will b takin about 5 cube an 8 or so PS2 games, and that'll b it + whatever I get down there. I'm hoping I'll b able to focus on them alot more than I can atm have like 30 odd Cube, 25 PS2 and then the masses and masses of retro stuff. I need to focus. Focus dammit!


                            My logic is:

                            Save now: buy the little corkers that no one really knows about. Then when I'm in Uni, only buy AAA titles about release time and play the hell out of them, and during dry patches go back to the classics...

                            So at Uni, I'll probably only buy 3/4 games a year.

                            I think it'll work out good, becuase, I'm refusing to do anything like work ar Uni. I'm gonna take out one mother of a loan and laze and learn for the whole period.

                            Good times.


                              to tell you the truth i prefer playing them. Talking isonly good when you have someone generally interested in it to talk to. But id definatley play more than talk about it. Its a personal thing i guess. I do admit that reading you guys rant about game A or game B is a hell of a lot of fun! I brought initial D, viewtiful joe, ico, VF evo from the comments you guys made. very pleased with me purchases too! Maybe listening about games more than talking about them if i make any sense.


