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A PC Engine Question...

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    A PC Engine Question...

    Can any of the various PCE machines save hiscores? I think I've read somewhere that the Duo machines can, but how about the cart PCE's?

    Any help much appreciated...

    The CD systems all have backup ram for game saves and hi-scores, (but obviously only for games written to make use of them).

    There may be a few card games with backup memory, but I can't think of any offhand.

    HOWEVER, there was a version of the Tenokoe bank memory backup unit that plugged into the back of a standard PC Engine that may have done the job.

    Hope that helps

    Eddie G.


      Originally posted by EddieG
      There may be a few card games with backup memory, but I can't think of any offhand.
      I think Populous does.

      Originally posted by EddieG
      HOWEVER, there was a version of the Tenokoe bank memory backup unit that plugged into the back of a standard PC Engine that may have done the job.
      Yeah, it does the same as the backup memory in the cd unit. There is also a Tennokoe Bank card that allows you to copy game saves between machines.


        Cheers fot the info chaps. By the sound of it, I'm guessing that not many hu-cards have a save game / hiscore option? How about CD based shooters?


          most cd games make use of save files.

          quite a few hu-cards do too. Adventure Island is one I can think of.

          The memory store sans cd is this thing here:

          the Ten No Koe.

          The ram card that can backup a memory store is the Ten No Koe Bank:

          I have one of these, it has four slots each of which can hold all the saves from a cd interface/Ten No Koe. It doesn't backup individual save files, but everything at once into one of four banks, hence the name.


            There are several card games that do store hi score data, the games will have a battery icon somewhere on the packaging, parasol stars does for example.

