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Grandia hits PSN on Thursday! (US)

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    Grandia hits PSN on Thursday! (US)

    Confirmed for the US for now, ten bucks.

    Official PlayStation Blog for news and video updates on PlayStation, PS5, PS4, PS VR, PlayStation Plus and more.

    Along with Alundra, the very best of PSone games. Amazing.

    Great game, one of my all time fav RPGs. Well worth playing for anyone who missed it first time around.


      Quite possibly my favourite RPG ever. I'm glad people have the opportunity to experience it. Grandia 2/3 were nice games in their own right, but the original was on another level.


        Fantastic game, my favourite of the 32bit RPG's


          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
          Great game, one of my all time fav RPGs. Well worth playing for anyone who missed it first time around.
          And also anyone who didn't


            I could never get into either Grandia - could a veteran explain why Grandia is worth playing? I got up to the old man in the mine, where I then had to go deeper in, and the random battles and up-to-then trite storyline infuriated me. A lot of games feature children, but their behaviour was cringe-worthy.

            With all these RPGs coming out, when is Vagrant Story coming to the US? I really don't want to play it in 50Hz with borders and 17.5% slowdown, from the PAL PSN.

            Great news about Alundra.


              I'm pretty sure Grandia has enemies visible on the map ala' Chrono Trigger etc? It's been a while though since i played it

              And i actually think the opposite of you with regards to the main characters (Justin & Sue), they didn't make me cringe in the slightest, they are kids having fun, and that's the way i took them. I found them quite endearing to be honest, almost Studio Ghibli-like in delivery.

              Doesn't take itself too seriously which is very refreshing in this genre!


                Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
                I could never get into either Grandia - could a veteran explain why Grandia is worth playing? I got up to the old man in the mine, where I then had to go deeper in, and the random battles and up-to-then trite storyline infuriated me. A lot of games feature children, but their behaviour was cringe-worthy.
                It's a slow start for sure, and the 'child-like' English dub does the game no favours. It's worth persevering with it, the game really picks up once you get past the slow start.


                  I think what makes Grandia so great is that the game feels exactly like some kids going on a big adventure and growing in the progress. I think think Losersclub summed it up well. It has a bright, cheerful atmosphere most of the way through, there's very little forced melodrama. There are too many RPGs with 15 year olds leading armies and getting involved in complex political situations.

                  Also helps that the battle system has a huge amount of depth to it, especially once you get to the bosses with lots of parts. Do you cancel someone about to attack, delay the most powerful attacking enemy, do damage to everyone with a spell? Requires a lot of thinking sometimes.


                    Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
                    Great news about Alundra.
                    Not "along with Alundra" as in Alundra's coming out. Just that Grandia and Alundra are the top two RPGs ever. Sorry. They're trying to get that out, though, which will be the best day in the history of days.

                    Why is Grandia so good? The battle system, really. Even with a ****e game wrapped around it the battles just make everything frikkin amazing and you'd still have a great game, as Grandia III proved.


                      Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                      Just that Grandia and Alundra are the top two RPGs ever. Sorry. They're trying to get that out, though, which will be the best day in the history of days.
                      Alundra really was one of the best action RPGs for me, unfortunately Alundra 2 was bloody awful as they seemed to pick a bad game that they knew was going to fail and decided to stick the Alundra logo on the front.

                      There was a lot of poor comparisons between Alundra & Zelda when it first came out which I can understand that but it felt completely different in reality. Brilliant from start to finish and I's download it in an instant if it went up on the PSN.

                      When I think back about it the PS1 was an amazing console for RPGs and me and a few mates used to spend a fortune importing them from the US & Japan due to how many got released over here.

                      There's so many of those PS1 RPGs that I'd happily spend $9:99 on to download on the PSN now. I don't think it was a particularly popular game but I'd love the chance to play A Thousand Arms again!


                        Sorry, when I said ranom battles I meant enemies randomly walking around. I saw a bunch of them in the cave and just couldn't face them.

