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What do you expect from the NEXT generation?

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    What do you expect from the NEXT generation?

    i'll start the ball rolling with:

    i want no loading times (this is one that i really find distracting about KOTOR - why are they their, when the gamecube hides them so well?) and "Toy Story" like graphics.

    oh and cars to fly...

    What I want and what I expect are two different things.

    -I expect very small loading times, but they will be there - especially if they try for top notch graphics etc...

    -I expect Modems and HDDs in all NGen consoles.

    -I expect that they'll all use some varient of DVD discs, well atleast keep the disc format.

    -I expect link up between hand held devices and consoles to be common.

    -I expect LAN play to be available too.

    -I expect another lovely controller from Nintendo.

    ---- ----

    I want:

    -Very small/no loading times.

    -Very stable 60 FPS on EVERYGAME, no matter the graphical beauty of it.

    -60Hz optimisations on every game.

    -Cheap memory cards (likely with HDDs).

    -Good quality on-line play with cheap subscriptions.

    -Lower times between NTSC and PAL release.

    -Easy to chip machines with an emulation scene to the XB.

    That'll do for now. I don't want to overload the bosses at the big 3 companies with suggestions.


      Wavebird-quality wireless controllers for all systems

      (rumble isn't essential, but would be nice)


        I want all of the next gen consoles to support Dolby Digital 5.1 and Progressive Scan.

        I also want quick loading times, and I want an emphasis away from stealth and FPS, although somehow I doubt that will ever happen.

        Worldwide releases is a pipe dream, but a dream nevertheless.


          What I expect:

          Wireless LAN built in
          Wireless controllers (prob be as an option)
          HDs in all new consoles
          Tougher to mod
          PVR in the Xbox2 & PS3 (maybe as an option)
          Progressive Scan for PAL
          fully backwards compatible

          What I want:
          A flash style development enviroment built in, with PS2 power graphics so you can roll your own games
          Region free


            [pessimist mode]
            Sorry to be cynical folks but I expect spiralling development costs leading to reliance on established franchises and less risk taking on the part of big devcos. Loads of almost photo realistic but ultimately soulless games.
            [/pessimist mode]

            [optimist mode]
            On the upside imagine what the bods at Smilebit, UGA, Amusement Vision et al could create with the extra power on tap. Massive seamless and utterly absorbing game environments will be the order of the day, maybe even a genuine RPG with true open endedness and choice.
            SHENMUE 3
            [/optimist mode]


              Stuff all your fancy bells and whistles up your arse, give me games with great gameplay.


                Games that use the power available to enhance gameplay experiences; not just tart up the graphics and sound and leave it at that.

                Every game to be online where relevant also.

                That will do for me.


                  I want widescreen modes in every game.


                    I expect a bald guy to run the show, with a guy who always stands with one shoulder much higher than the other to be second in command.

                    And an android who is trying to be more human.

                    And another guy to walk around with a stupid sun visor over his eyes all the time

                    With occasional pop-up from Whoopi Goldberg


                      Originally posted by Abhisara
                      Wavebird-quality wireless controllers for all systems

                      (rumble isn't essential, but would be nice)
                      amen to that bro!


                        What do I expect from the next gen, eh?

                        I'll tell you what I expect;

                        I expect another round of iterative 'super-consoles' from the usual suspects that do exactly the same as previous machines, only slightly prettier. I expect few people to actually be able to tell the difference, but they'll still be blinded by specs they don't actually understand.

                        I expect hype and the inevitable fawning to follow Sony, with users almost killing themselves to own gaming's third fashion accessory and get hold of newer versions of the same tired franchises. I also expect people to still actually believe that "gamers have never had it better" despite the inevitable uniformity that is likely to become a frightening reality.

                        I expect online gaming to be the next gimmick. I expect it to have the overall impact of a firework in a bath as developers and publishers come to the realisation that not everybody has the resources, desire or inclination to rely solely on the internet for gaming.

                        I expect the same crap on a larger scale. I don't expect much from the next generation. Not unless something truly remarkable happens - and I don't even know what that could be anymore.


                          VGA output as standard on all consoles.

                          Tilt sensitivity on control pads. I hear that Ninitendo are working on this.

                          Built in hard drive as standard.

                          Aesthetically pleasing(this generation has been full of stinkers)

                          A handhed verison of Ikaruga on Nintendo's next machine

                          Quiet disc access (The Dreamcast sounds like it is sawing the disc in two).

                          New school games that explore old school concepts, like a new streets of rage game or a golden axe game.


                            Originally posted by 3rdnode
                            Aesthetically pleasing(this generation has been full of stinkers)
                            The Gamecube?


                              Amen to that Ady
                              Lie with passion and be forever damned...

