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Crystal Chronicles Multiplayer

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    Crystal Chronicles Multiplayer

    It's taking a little while, but MartTM and myself have finally started to make our way through this fantastic little game. It takes a while to get used to alternating between the two screens, but it does work very well with a bit of practise.
    We've currently made it through the first year (we're playing in our lunch break) and should be able to bring you some 4-player infor tomorrow when we're joined by some of the cube guys.
    One thing we have noticed, it's a lot tougher taken on the various bosses, due to the fact that one of you has to carry the mana cage.

    I thought it was possible to drop the mana cage if it was necessary....


      Originally posted by Phlebas
      I thought it was possible to drop the mana cage if it was necessary....
      That's true, I obviousley didn't explain it very well. True teamwork is needed, because if one of you buggers off in a diffrent direction with the mana cage, your mates get stuck outside the circle (deadly, when you're dealing with a boss).


        Im gonna go play multiplayer round a mate's today, but what a shame that you need GBAs even though it's perfectly understandable, it's still a shame to buy a handheld which has no interest to me whatsoever. (except maybe Seiken Densetsu remake )


          The one thing I was worried about was that if I played it multiplayer, I'd never want to go back to playing it alone - thankfully though, that's not the case as I'm happily plodding through on my ownsome as well (just making sure to stay behind the point where Strider and myself have reached).

          Only thing we need now is for two other people to join in the fun - right now, no-one else wants to play with us.


            So it's fun in single player as well? I was worried it would just be like a single player Phantasy Star Online.


              you can play with just the normal controllers tho, can't you? obviously the experience isn't as good as with GBAs, but have you tried that out? how badly does it affect the game(play)?


                Originally posted by Oh! My Car!
                you can play with just the normal controllers tho, can't you? obviously the experience isn't as good as with GBAs, but have you tried that out? how badly does it affect the game(play)?
                In singleplayer you can use the normal controller, but in multi, everyone needs a GBA. And a monkey.


                  There have been rumours that the US release will allow at least 2 players to use normal joypads in multi mode. Sounds a bit fishy but I was waiting for the US release anyway; this extra would only be a bonus.


                    I am also waiting for a US release, but I am definitely tempted by the Japanese version (nice packaging). Is it possible to get by with a knowledge of the kana and a japanese dictionary?


                      There have been rumours that the US release will allow at least 2 players to use normal joypads in multi mode. Sounds a bit fishy but I was waiting for the US release anyway; this extra would only be a bonus.
                      I'd hope not. According to Penny Arcade's Gabe it really only works with the GBA and reading what he says I'd bve inclined to agree with him.


                        Originally posted by Burai
                        There have been rumours that the US release will allow at least 2 players to use normal joypads in multi mode. Sounds a bit fishy but I was waiting for the US release anyway; this extra would only be a bonus.
                        I'd hope not. According to Penny Arcade's Gabe it really only works with the GBA and reading what he says I'd bve inclined to agree with him.
                        Agreed, I can't see how this would work without the access of the GBA screen. Saying that though, using the GBA screen does have one flaw...
                        When you want to select an item, you lose control over your player. This is fine if your mate willingly protects you (hint hint Mart) but isa pain in the arse, especially on boss fights. I'd have liked my player to just run around on AI while I selected what I needed.
                        Apart from that one niggle though, everything works really well.


                          I've played this now and at first. it left no impression on me, but when you start to progress and upgrade yourself through the item synthesis, it gets more hectic and fun ^^

                          There is no level up system, you only get beefier by completing stages and picking a reward at the end, it could be either magic boost, defense or attack. Other rewards such as extra hearts, item slots and scrolls for synthesis.

                          The combat is simple, pretty much hack and slash. one button for whichever slot is active. You can charge up attacks/spells by holding them down, then moving the cursor to the specified point. Cool thing is, you can link together spells and attacks for more powerful effects, like two thunders = Thundara, Thunder + Blizzard + Fire = Gravitiga. Pretty nice.

                          some flaws are; that GBA d-pad is going to pwn your thumb after a good couple of hours, the GBA really wasn't meant to be a gamepad for a console. Some slowdown here and there, one stage is nothing but slowdown.

                          Definitely the best (multiplayer) game on the gamecube for me, you need friends with GBAs or it's not worth it though.


                            Originally posted by Razz
                            Definitely the best (multiplayer) game on the gamecube for me, you need friends with GBAs or it's not worth it though.
                            Exactly, and that's why we can't understand why Square Enix has decided to take this particular route It's a good enough game on its own, but isn't a patch on the multiplayer side of things. Let's just hope this isnt a oneoff from Square Enix

