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peoples opinions on dlc ?

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    Originally posted by Btang84 View Post
    One thing I want to know is what the effect of map packs is. Recently, I've been playing a lot of Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2 a lot. They're both getting map packs and the MW2 is going to cost a fair amount, but what happened to the game last time when they released a map pack? Did it split with fewer games available and were you able to play the new maps often enough? Given that some people may not have the DLC?
    As I recall, with COD4, and also, I think, World At War, a new "map pack" playlist was introduced for a limited period where you could play exclusively on the new maps (usually for double XP) until they just got absorbed into the normal game modes.

    I think it does split the players into seperate groups of those with the map pack and those without. If you've got the extra maps, they'll be part of the normal map rotation and you'll play on them loads of times. However, if you're in a party with some people who don't have them, your map pack gets disabled.


      Depends on the game. Borderlands shows how good it can be done. Stuff like AC2 shows how not to do it and rip you off by having a gaping hole in the main story!


        Stupid that I should pay extra for stuff, on the other hand if it is a game I love GTAIV, PES2010 etc I don`t mind. Things I do mind paying for extra songs for Ridge Racer 7 that I do mind very very much :angry:


          I always think dlc gets left too long after the original release, marketing types want to build a user base and demand but to my mind the sort of gamer who would buy dlc is the type who wants to hoover up more content whilst the game is still fresh.


            ^Really? I've always seen it as the opposite. The fact that a lot of DLC gets released during the launch window is the reason why so many people regard DLC as content cut from the main game. There does need to be a relatively consistant stream of DLC to maintain interest though. Bioware seem to be onto something with Mass Effect 2.


              I've mixed feelings on DLC. On one hand it can help breathe new life into old games, but they usually offer very little gameplay and I always feel compelled to keep a game I've purchased DLC for (rather than selling it on as I usually would) so for me it ends up being doubly expensive.

              The worst kind of DLC in my eyes, along with content which already exists on the disc but needs purchasing to unlock, is stuff like the new planes in Ace Combat 6 which are superior to the bundled planes meaning those who don't purchse the DLC are at a distinct disadvantage in multiplayer. And I see that sort of thing becoming more commonplace. No doubt superior weapon pack DLC for CoD, GoW, Battlefield, Halo and similar franchises aren't too far away. And that's depressing.

              I dunno, I've bought shedloads of DLC for all sorts of games but, looking back, the only pieces I regard as good value for money are Oblivion's Shiverling Isles and GTA IV's TLaTD and BoGT.

