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DJ Sacks weekly appreciation thread: Wave Race 64

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    DJ Sacks weekly appreciation thread: Wave Race 64

    I do this over at rllmuk with great success, and seeing as people here are saying people moan to much about games, i thought what better time than to use these threads to cheer everyone up a bit.

    Each week i'll post a new thread dedicated to a game. Its called an appreciation thread for a reason too, to appreciate it, thats not to say you cant say bad things about the game, because you can but the threads will be here to praise the games.

    Some games you may agree with me on, some you may not, but anyways i hope you enjoy.

    Get Ready for the first race!! Watch the signal! ...3 2 1 GO! Wow you got a boost! Pass the red boys on the right!

    Yes Wave race 64, the original and still the best ever jet ski game ever made! The graphics to this day are still fantastic. Bright and colourful with fantastic level design, theres always lots going on, lots of different routes, but most of all the waves. Wow, some are huge, they look real and they move realistically, the draw distance of them is a bit bad (due to the power of the n64) But you hardly notice it. Theres reflections in the water and the way the levels change, some start out misty and get clearer as you carry on, some get bumpier. The waves work fantasically, many are scripted, meaning you can jump over small walls, but it is these scripted waves that help you out.

    The levels are extreamly well made, many with different routes and obstacles to avoid and it has an almost perfect difficulty curve. The way its all presented to is brilliant, you can almost imagine your there.

    The handerling of the jet skis hasnt been bettered yet, not even the gc version can touch it, its slow yet fast, jerky, yet responsive, you have total control over what you want to do and where you want to go. Its just so much fun to play and there is not a single bad level in it.

    But best of all you can ride a dolphin! And the music, subtle yet brilliant, remember the intro music? And some of the other music which was remixed for the gc version?

    This is the best jet ski game ever, followed closely by wave race on the gc which handels the wether brilliently, but the controls, even after getting used to them, just seem to be wrong compared to this, yet you never know why.

    Why does your name need to be in the thread? We can see who started it.
    I don't appreciate that.

    Anyway, the game was pretty decent. I think I remember it more for the splendid watery worldrather than the game. The first set of N64 games had as much water as they could fit in - cause it looked impressive.


      Originally posted by DJ Sack
      This is the best jet ski game ever, followed closely by wave race on the gc
      Not really a well populated genre is it? Do we just compare wave race 64 against blue storm? hmmm I am sure there must be another one out there?? hehe


        I loved it. I kinda like the GC version, but it just seems inferior. Even the water doesn't seem as amazing.
        The feeling of mass of the bikes in 64 was classy. Spot on. I could never match the times posted in magazines though. Always a fraction off. Gutted.


          handels the wether brilliently

          Personally I liked the sequel more, I felt it was far more fast and furious. The music wasn't nearly as good though.


            Originally posted by saif
            Why does your name need to be in the thread? We can see who started it.
            I don't appreciate that.
            Come on mate

            Why the negativity??

            His names in the treads title becasue its DJ Sack who is showing appreciation for Wave Race 64.

            For gods sake chill it. Its comments on these boards like this that I dont appreciate and the reason I dont post much here anymore.

            Video games are ment to be fun. Lets keep it that way.

            As for Wave Race 64 its one of my all time faves.

            This, Ridgeracer and Pilotwings 64 are the games I played when I was in my hight of love for videogames and certianly ones that wont be seeing ebay!

            I love the Music on Drake Lake nd the way the mist clears after 3 laps. Truly excellent game design back then in 96 and really shows just how good Nintendo do videogames.

            Hats of to Waverace 64 and its many joyful hours it took from me o its Jap release.


              It's been quite a while since I played this gem - I can't remember the music or anything.

              Gonna give it a quick bash tonight when I get in - I don't think I've tried it in RGB yet. 8)


                I've never really been tempted into getting this game. But then I'd never seen it running until the other night. And that made the graphics whore in me get all excited.

                That and DJ Sack's positivity have got me all enthused. Anyone know where I can pick it up on the cheap. Play had it for 8 quid but are sold out ft:

                [edit]Bonehead. Its was the GC version I'd seen running. 'scuse my stupidity. I'm sick and its making me stoooopi.. (ill, rather than sick and twisted)[/edit]


                  I totally agree with ridgeracer on the subject of negativity...

                  Anyway Wave Race 64, I got this on day 1 of its PAL release and I loved it to bits, so bright and cheerfull. I recall the level where its bathed in sunset and the ocean looks like lucazade or something. Couldn't stop playing it despite the horrible black borders on it. Fantastic game by Nintendo.


                    Yeah, less of the cussing of "The Sack". He's a top dude.

                    Waverace 64 is one of my all-time favourite Nintendo games and yet another of those "never bettered" titles that the N64 plays host to.

                    The course design, character design, the water, the handling, the colours, the music - all very impressive and all very Nintendo. Blue Storm just doesn't exude the same love that this does. It's truly a classic title and still gets regularly played by me to remind me of just how utterly awesome Nintendo were circa 1996 - 1999.


                      like taurusnipple I got this on the day of release, and it's a golden time for me with regard to videogames, it's one of the finest releases on the 64, and in many respects outclasses the efforts of supposedly 'next-gen' water effects. Hours were spent perfecting lap times, doing crazy tricks: barrel rolls; back-flips and the like.

                      I set my 64 up the other day and the polish hasn't worn off at all. This, Mario 64, Excitebike 64, Mario Kart and Pilotwings - all fantastic in my eyes. Goldeneye has aged but is still very playable. I never got into DK64, never into Diddy Kong Racing, PD was good, but like Goldeneye has aged, however it is still playable. But Nothing? recaptures the excitement of those 5 absolutely brilliant games. Well......Maybe Ocarina.


                        For some reason I really enjoyed Splashdown on the PS2. It didn't have great wave physics, but it was still really fun to play, had some lovely environments and secret bits, and you could still see the reef and stuff under the sea. I'd say it follows closely behind those two wave races.



                          Joined: 08 Mar 2003
                          Location: Saitama
                          Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2:23 pm


                          Why does your name need to be in the thread? We can see who started it.
                          I don't appreciate that.
                          Yeah, why does your name have to be in the thread?

                          Also, are you a real DJ?

                          And if you are a DJ, could you explain the 'Sack' bit

                          Thank you.


                            Hey dudes, spread the love! (/me hands out a hardcore bunning).

                            The thread is great, it's not just a newbie writing a few lines followed by 'discuss'. Leave Mr. Sack alone. Hehe .

                            Wave Race pwns tbh.


                              /admin mode on

                              can we get back on topic please - what does it matter if the thread is called DJ Sacks appreciation.... or just appreciation of..... - i would much rather read peeps appreciation of games rather than bitching about the wording of a topic title

                              /admin mode off

                              Waverace 64 is still the best jetski game released upto now - WR BS pushed it close but sadly the handling didn't quite match the original's imo, and both episodes of the Splashdown series, whilst being fun games in their own rights, where sadly lacking that Nintendo 'magic'

                              and lets not even go down the Jet Moto route


