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[comments] Lost Planet 2 Preview Event

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    [comments] Lost Planet 2 Preview Event

    Lost Planet 2 Preview

    Thanks to Adrian for the words, and to Capcom for inviting us.

    Bah. Sorry, my HDD broke and I'm getting to grips with Linux and the formatting has gone crazy with character types. I'll fix tomorrow

    edit: the answer appears to be, stop using MS Word.

    If anyone understands how to remove the dodgy characters from the first line, please let me know. I got rid of all the others, but that one keeps coming back.

    edit: invisible character in gedit.... how am I supposed to know to delete it if I can't see it
    Last edited by charlesr; 03-04-2010, 06:42.


      The captions seem to have grown too! Don't worry though, know you're having grief with Linux atm. Sorry to hear about the HDD death

      And as promised here's the rest of the pictures - clicky - highlights include me stalking 'SuperKaylo' and getting my photo taken with Jun Takeuchi


        If you want to get rid of the character marks I suggest you copy the text into a simple text editor. Actually, I would have thought gedit would have done it. Perhaps the command line program nano? Run the command "nano /Filepath/Filename" and copy the text from terminal.

        The alternative might be to save the file in gedit as a simple text file and copy, as opposed to rich text.
        Last edited by egparadigm; 03-04-2010, 10:51.


          The character wasn't showing up in gedit, but I noticed that if I went "home" and then moved right one space, nothing happened! So I deleted the invisible thing and it has gone. Paulos is doing some proofing on this...


            sorry to derail this exciting thread about editing text in Linux, but thanks for the write up, Fuse. I'm getting really excited about playing the full game now. I'm not a big multiplayer fan as I'm usually rubbish, but LP had me hooked. Now LP2 looks like it'll have co-op elements that'll work like mp too.


              Originally posted by fuse View Post
              And as promised here's the rest of the pictures - clicky - highlights include me stalking 'SuperKaylo' and getting my photo taken with Jun Takeuchi
              SuperKaylo actually looks that gay in real life? Crikey!

