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Playstation Plus

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    I wonder how many developers took up using CRI Middleware's data compression software, it was said to reduce load times quite a bit, tbh I haven't played that many PS3 games over the last year that took ages to load.


      Things have definitely improved. It was tiresome at first, but thankfully the best devs worked round the problem and now installs don't seem that common (or maybe I'm just lucky?).

      If only PSN downloads were the same as on Live - ie download and play, installing is a bit of a pain (and I say that as a PC gamer, lol).


        KZ2 has 3 pieces of DLC, the Steel & Titanium pack is usually ?4.79, no doubt they will end up offering all the DLC packs for free.
        If you don't subscribe to PSN+ this month does that mean all the content from this month will not be available next month? So if you sub next month you cannot download 1st month content?


          I doubt you can download the entire backlog of content you've missed post sign-up. Maybe someone else can confirm.


            Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
            KZ2 has 3 pieces of DLC, the Steel & Titanium pack is usually ?4.79, no doubt they will end up offering all the DLC packs for free.
            If you don't subscribe to PSN+ this month does that mean all the content from this month will not be available next month? So if you sub next month you cannot download 1st month content?
            Yeah that's my understanding. So for this month, for me, getting PSN now is probably worth it. Then the half price Warhawk packs next month.

            It's just all the free stuff for the first two months, that interests me, I have - next month the Motorstorm 2 pack (both?) are free, but I have them as well. And pinball games are of no interest to me.

            See if any ?20 PSN card bargains appear....


              Originally posted by Matt View Post
              I'm still unsure if I'm going to sign up. I would but I already have Wipeout and LBP. If you got the WO map pack I would. Tempted so I can grab the KZ2 pack, will have to see it's usual price to see if it's worth it for me.

              I'll definitely join when there's a title I want.
              Has there been any mention of them maybe changing the LBP freebie title to something else next month? I am interested in subscribing but I've got LBP. I can't trade it either as it's just the promo disc, in a retail box... my retail disc got trapped in my then dead PS3 18 months ago & Sony never sent me an original disc like they were supposed to.


                The freebie was a opening offer when you sub for a year, next months PS+ offers have been shared already but no sign up offer. We got LBP in EU and US got an extra 3 months on the sub.
                No doubt there will be other incentives introduced throughout the year.


                  I'm pretty sure that's a one off introductory offer, in fact I thought I read somewhere that deal expired on the 3rd of July?


                    Just had a quick check, right date wrong month.

                    "Limited Special Offer – To celebrate the launch of PlayStation Plus we are also offering users the chance to get hold of LittleBigPlanet completely free. Simply sign up for a 1 year membership between now June 29th and the 3rd August 2010 and a downloadable copy of the award winning PS3 game is yours to keep forever"

                    So in theory you could pay/download a PS+ sub on 3rd August, download all the free PS+ stuff and LBP then following day 4th August all the new stuff gets uploaded and your technically only 1 day into your 1 year sub and not 1 month, hmmm.
                    Last edited by Family Fry; 05-07-2010, 19:52.


                      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                      Off topic but the arguement for blu-ray for games is simple.

                      Look at the piracy issues, PS3 has none. Guess blu-ray was worth it.
                      I like Blu Ray, love it even (never used a console for watching movies as much as this), but the words by Dille about Ps3 games being impossible to offer on PSS and/or DVD as they were too big (and I think inFamous or LBP was one of them) comes off as a bit ironic.

                      That Ps3 isn't hacked has to do with Cell and its routines, and not really with the format. Blu Ray burners and discs aren't that expensive anymore. That shouldn't be an issue, didn't stop people from burning DVD's back in 2002 too, when they weren't dirt cheap yet.
                      Last edited by saturn-gamer; 05-07-2010, 19:56.


                        Wasn't their talk of Sony offering this subscription for free for 3 months or something?


                          3 months added onto a purchase iirc.


                            The US got three months free, we get LittleBigPlanet.


                              Originally posted by Jebus
                              Off topic but the arguement for blu-ray for games is simple.

                              Look at the piracy issues, PS3 has none. Guess blu-ray was worth it.
                              Just to further what SaturnGamer was saying, this isn't really that relevant to the system not being cracked. It's not like you can't play 360 and Wii ISOs straight from the HDD, and this is undoubtedly how you'd play PS3 copies if you were going to do it. Burning 50Gb discs doesn't sound that fun.


                                Originally posted by Number45 View Post

                                Not relevant to us, but it looks as though the Hulu service announced in the US requires PlayStation Plus. Which seems silly, frankly. For Hulu anyway, I would think they'd want as many people as possible to be able to access the service.
                                It seems the original blogger got it wrong and a PlayStation Plus subscription is only required to preview the service pre launch which makes sense I suppose.
                                Originally posted by Hulu
                                With the launch of Hulu Plus there have been many rumors started and we are trying our best to remedy the situation. Specifically to your question, the Playstation Plus service is only a requirement during the preview period.

                                Once the preview period ends you should be able to download the Hulu Plus app but that will still require the Hulu Plus subscription.

                                Right now we are limiting the number of users but Hulu Plus will be launching to the public very soon so stay tuned!
                                They have announced now that the service will be available in other territories but just like PS3 Netflix, they aren't saying when or what you'll get on it.

                                I wouldn't actually mind paying a fee for services like this Netflix, MUBI & Sky Sports, etc as long as the prices were OK. For me, MUBI is by far the most interesting of what's going to be available.

