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Electronic Gaming Monthly - the relaunch

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    Electronic Gaming Monthly - the relaunch

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    Has anyone else been reading the new EGM, issue 238? Because I've seen no topic for it. Anyway, I like it so much I spent $35 on a 6 month subscription.

    One of the best things is that it names its reviewers and features writers, unlike UK multiformat mags. And as a former writer for mags, it's hugely ****ing annoying when they hide your name. This is such an archaic and stupid practice, started by EDGE, I wonder if and when it will ever die.

    Also, nice clean cover for the mag. Weighs in at 100 pages, and only 7 of which are ads (counting the back cover).


    Street Fighter legacy article
    Featuring interviews with the guys behind SFIV, Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, Tekken, Soul Calibur and more, all talking about SF and its influence. SNK and the guys behind the Guilty Gear fighters declined to take part.

    Did you know that reviewers on other mags use Metacritic when writing their reviews because they didn't play the game? Quite a revealing feature on the evils that people and PRs use Metacritic for.

    2D Gaming Evolves
    Ineresting piece on the renaissance of 2D games.

    Streaming games
    One-page look at streaming-only games

    Motion control
    2 pager looking at where we're heading

    DLC dilemma
    Look at and criticisms of modern DLC which come pre-packaged on the disc.

    History of EGM
    A lookback at the years

    David Jaffe interview - BIG interview

    Columns by several long-time EGM staff

    The reviews are all out of date now, so I'm not going to list them. But every review has a secondary opinion, several of which went against the grain of the main reviewer. I like this set-up - none of that we're a single entity bollocks which EDGE does.

    What I like most about this launch issue is that the writing is very clever in places, asks and says a lot of things other mags wouldn't (like in the Metacritic piece), and it's just very intelligent without the arrogance of something like EDGE, or the anonymity of GamesTM. Also, with the option of a 6 month sub, there's not as much to lose as a 12 month one.

    The design is a little dry, but nothing will ever be as good as GameFAN circa 1997.

    My only big criticisms are:
    1) Where's the import coverage, or the Tokyo correspondent, or the dedicated Japan section? It's a little too USA-centric right now, despite the Japanese interviews, but hopefully EGM will feature more Japanese stuff in later issues. The only place that does decent Japanese coverage I've found is the podcast for Warning a Huge Podcast Approaches, which is by the ex-Play guys.

    2) There's no indie coverage. The world of indie gaming is HUGE, and yet no magazine covers it. This is probably due to the lack of advertising indie games would provide, but I'd still like to read about cool **** like HeroCore, which are free to play, in a print magazine rather than trawling the net for it.

    If they can cover a few more obscure topics, it would be the perfect magazine. (the new GameFAN in comparison is sadly lacking in almost every department )
    Last edited by Sketcz; 28-05-2010, 15:56.


    It says Exclusive "Pix"...


      I've gone for thr 12 month subscription just waiting for my first copy to come in the mail so help its back i really like this mag, i alway grabed a copy when ever i was in the usa or i got mates to mail me some old copys they had laying around. So i'm really happy that its back so looking forward to reading it when it's here

