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MotorStorm Apocalypse

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    MotorStorm Apocalypse

    Will Sony have any suprises left for E3?

    Only a rumour right now (screens are not confirmed as real) but the post apocalyptic setting checks out with what I was hearing last month.

    Motorstorm 3 : des images volées d'un jeu toujours pas annoncé Motorstorm 3, dont la sortie est toujours démentie par Sony, semble pourtant bien exister vu les images que nous publions aujourd'hui.
    Last edited by dvdmike; 10-06-2010, 19:20.

    Love the new setting, though after the last 3 they need to sort the balancing and collision detection.


      Really liked Motorstorm 2, but i kind of got bored of it towards the end. Hope this one has staying power.


        Looks like people / zombies in the path of the car in one of the leaked pics.

        Motorstorm meets Caramageddon? I'd buy that (for a dollar etc)


          Originally posted by dvdmike View Post
          [IMG]Will Sony have any suprises left for E3?
          It's not like we didn't know this, inFamous 2, Killzone 3, LBP 2 & GT5 weren't coming... okay maybe we're still not entirely convinced in GT admittedly!

          Really liked Motorstorm, it was the title I bought my launch PS3 for. I loved Motorstorm 2 though, thought it a much more complete package, so Motorstorm 3 is a definite day_one purchase.


            Awesome. MS2 is brilliant and sadly overlooked by many. Great to see them going in a different direction. They covered many terrains in the last game, so moving to an urban setting is a nice surprise.

            The people running around are interesting. Let's see how that plays out.


              Fallout Vegas, LBP 2, Possible Zelda Wii, and now this, what's next, Daytona ???

              Gets no better


                Still think the 1st game is one of the best looking and best games to play on my PS3. Loved the sequel but is was just a little too vast (if that makes any sense) didn't really like it as much as the 1st . Hope Pt III brings in full replay modes


                  Great, another urban racing game with collapsing buildings.

                  Really enjoyed the other three games so I was hoping when this was initially leaked on the PSN back in March that they would carry on with a similar rural setting.

                  Admittedly the other leaked shot showing them driving through collapsing sky scrapers ? la 2012 suggests potential and nothing is really known about the game yet so I'm going to be patient with it before just writing it off.

                  Hopefully we'll get some more info at E3 though.


                    MotorStorm Apocalypse officially announced.

                    More than two years ago we decided where the MotorStorm festival should head next, and I've been itching to talk about it ever since. Now, as part of the global announcement, and with E3 just around the corner, it's so exciting to finally be able to share some information about the game. Here are some [...]


                      Nice, that sounds a lot ore interesting than the rumoured post apocalyptic game.

                      So Sony have already announced MotorStorm Apocalypse, inFamous 2, Killzone 3 & LittleBigPlanet 2 which means they're going to have nothing left unannounced for E3.


                        lol at the concept, if the world was that fooked last thing on any ones mind would a death race. Seriously I quite like this series but for some reason its no where near as popular as it should be.

                        Should be good but I really want to start seeing some new IPs.


                          Awesome. Wonder if they'll have triggers like Split/Second? They talk about emergent gameplay, which implies the levels won't be collapsing in a set manner every level.


                            Quiet a few sites are running with this game now, Eurogamer have a four page hands-on from the event with new screens.


                              i got both 1&2 and whilst pretty to look at never got on with what I regarded as frankly terrible handling

                              would take a very good demo to get me anywhere near a third in the series.

                              think I just don't bond with what the studio produces as never got on with the WRC games either.

