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DJ MAX Fever - Any good?

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    DJ MAX Fever - Any good?

    Just noticed this is up on the PSN for ?15.99 and was wondering if it's any good?

    I've got Project DIVA and Rock Band Unplugged (like my Rhythm Action) and was wondering if this is worth a go?


    Dunno about Fever but I've got DJ Max Clazziquai Edition and as far as I can tell all the DJ Max's are pretty similar (even featuring some shared tracks). I love the one I've got, apparently it's not even the hardest version (I think that title belongs to Black) but it's rock solid fairly early on. That said, I'm a very casual rythm actioner.

    Personally, I'd definately recommend it if you don't have access to any other DJ Max edition.


      As far as PSP music games go it's one of the best. If you already have the import versions it's a bit pointless though as it's made up of tracks from the first two games I believe.


        I meant to ask about these the other day - I fell out of the loop after 2, I am guessing this is the American version? I see there's a pack with Clazziquai and Black Square together on Play-Asia, does anyone know any other way of getting hold of this bearing in mind the non-Sony-EU balls?

        edit: a bit more ontopic though (sorry for hijack), the DJ Max portable titles are awesome. Personally of those I've played I still find the first the best.


          DJ Max is awesome, the videos are colourful and varied and the music is great too and also very varied from j-pop to techno to lounge music and techno/thrash music.
          Heres my favourite track anything with a rapping ninja chicken gets my vote

          p.s playing tekwonburi on 5 or 6 buttons is challenging and so much fun and a laugh.

          fuse ebay would be your best bet that how i got my limited editions.
          Last edited by MisterBubbles; 11-06-2010, 21:01.


            Been thinking of getting a DJ Max for a long time, but have a question has much changed between the this and the other copy's i mean things like music and stuff like that

