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Project Dust

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    Project Dust

    New game from the Creator of Another World, Eric Chahi

    Oh man, looks great. Has Eric Chahi been involved with anything else since Another World?


      Heart of Darkness on the PS1

      This new one is supposed to be a bit like Populous, I think. Definitely interested in seeing more


        I was trying to work out what the game would be and some kind of world forming thing is that only thing that sprung to mind from that trailer. Interested to see/hear more - the more unusual bits and pieces are usually my favourite announcements at E3.


          Aaah Heart of Darkness. A game that had 3d specs, definetly a game ahead of its time.
          Wasn't a big fan of that game myself.

          I liked the last Populous game that came out, thought it was great. I can certainly see the similarities.



            Ubisoft has announced a "spiritual heir to Populous" codenamed Project Dust at E3, helmed by Another World--known as 'Out of This World' in North America--creator Eric Chahi.

            Project Dust will grant players the power to dynamically alter a simulated world to "help their people resist, expand and migrate so they can accomplish their quest to find a safe place," says Chahi.

            "Players will be able to manipulate ground, water, vegetation, lava as if playing sandcastles on the beach," he explains. "Breaching a lake open, digging craters, flooding valleys... And all this is simulation, not just graphics visualization."
            Sounds good. Wonder how they'll handle the controls on console (Move/Kinect)?


              Looks like updated populous, no bad thing.


                Renamed From Dust and gets a tech demo trailer


                  that's possibly the most impressive fluid physics I've ever seen in a game.

                  And the terraforming is the stuff of Spore's dreams.
                  looks gorgeous


                    That looks amazing.


                      This does look good. I'd be up for some of this.


                        Looks awesome
                        but let me be the first to say

                        1200 MSP

                        THOSE PISS TAKING ****ERS
                        I can buy the original Halo for that much, not a shiny looking version of Populous

