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I'm getting a bit sick of this.... (console back stabbing)

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    I'm getting a bit sick of this.... (console back stabbing)

    I know.. business is business... but I really do think that this generation has been the dirtiest hardware gen I've experienced in the console space. Perhaps I was too young to "appreciate" the politics when I was glued to my megadrive... however... since MS joined the console race, I've noticed a shift to dirtier marketing.

    Perhaps it's the whole Japanese honour thing (forgive my ignorance), however, we never get the impression of Sony and Nintendo openly at each others throats. My impression is that while they are adversaries, they respect each others products and creations. However, with MS being an american company, the gloves are off. There is no honour... who dares wins and you do what you need to do to get to the top. I honestly believe that the Japanese companies are not ready for this onslaught. It's the "shock and awe" of the marketing world.

    For example, and I experience this enough in real world office politics... if you tell a lie often enough and convincingly enough, people will start to believe it.

    On yeap.. it's MS and the news, the following impartial statement was made in a report.

    " But in the nearly two years since the GameCube and Xbox were released, Microsoft has established itself firmly in second place. Through August, according to data from NPDFunworld, a market research service, the GameCube?s U.S. installed base was about 29 percent smaller than that of the Xbox. (MSNBC is a Microsoft - NBC joint venture.) "

    Now.. sales figures have been bouncing around all over the place for the last few days, however, what you can't disagree with is that the race between cube and 'box is too close to call globaly. However, MS is seen as the safer vote. As a company, MS have a huge amount of clout. They can ensure better presence in shops, they certainly know marketing better than nintendo and by consistently saying "we're number 2 and next gen we've got Sony in our sights".. people will believe this.

    Personally, I'm getting fed up of this. I simply want to play games... I'm not particularly bothered about a home entertainment hub... I'm smart enough to set that kind of thing up myself (using a hacked xbox..)... I'm not bothered about having the same game spread over 3 consoles and reading IGN's rather inane and pointless head to heads... I simply want good quality software, regardless of platform, innovative gaming and fun experiences. I have the feeling that gaming is being used as a spring board for other things, and, as a result, the future is not particularly bright.

    Sorry about the rant, just had to get it out....

    Didn't happen to miss this, did you? -


      ah.. thanks.. will post in there. forgot about that thread.

