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I'm not buying another game until...

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    I'm not buying another game until...

    ..I complete 3 outstanding games from my lot. I was scanning over my collection this fair eve (nowhere near as large as many here I might add) & it was a tad depressing - the amount of unfinished games I have on the go is beyond funny.

    This will be hard - as far as I'm concerned, a fair bit of the fun to be had with the new release/ordering/waiting for them to arrive/nabbing a bargain aspect is in the shopping itself, but this time I mean it - 3 games complete before I buy anything else; that means no Border Down, Shikigami 2, Maximo 2, Billy Hatcher etc

    Anyone else suffering the same problems or attempting to assuage their guilt?

    Same here I can't get Maximo 2 until I finish Disgaea. No Billy Hatcher. I got plenty of great games to keep me entertained. Still the import/impatient side of me wants Maximo 2 now. I can wait. Disgaea is a lot of fun and my sessions with the misses with VF are cool.

    I don't care if I don't finish a game, as long the one I'm playing instead of it is fun, but seriously now I need to finish some.


      I've been doing the same for a few months now...I'm finishing and then trading/selling before buying a new game. I also sold every game that I felt I would never play again.

      I enjoy my games much more, dont have money tied up in stacks of games I'll never play again and have reduced my game expendiutre massively.

      Happy days!


        I have loads of uncompleted games, but i don't care and keep buying new ones

        I expect though when i go to uni and can no longer afford to buy lots of games, i will get back to many of them


          Yep I am doing this too. I haven't bought a game since some second handers in May and won't until I have finished ALL of my backlog. So far i've done Mario Sunshine and Star Fox. Next is Zelda. Then its Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil, Timesplitters 2 and Metroid Prime. Then I MIGHT but some more but I still have a few JPN titles to finish too.


            I have 11 Xbox games, I've completed 1 fully which is THPS3, I got every stat point for every character, got a million trick on each level (including a 7.25mil trick on Airport) with no cheats, I loved that game.

            hehe, back to the topic, I've compelted Halo on Herioc but I don't count a game as Complete until it's fully finished (I'm half way through legendary) and also Oddworld I'm on the last level and I've saved every Mudoken up till now, but the last level is the only hard one on the whole game and im stuck hehe!!

            I havn't even come close to completing my other games (and im getting 2 new ones soon, hehe)


              Join in the fun! THIS thread hasn't been ressurrected for a while.


                I have about 40 games that need completing, about 7 i have not even played yet


                  I'm selling off a lot of my games. I just never play / never enjoyed them/have completed them.

                  I'm getting an NTSC GC (FINALLY) and I'll sell my PAL games, and buy the best two back in NTSC, then I'll buy F-Zero GX and that'll be it until Crimbo.

                  So, I'm looking at, what, 5 games for my GC to steadily increase over time... but better than 15 games with varying degrees of completion.


                    I've not completed Zelda:WW, Metroid Prime and Mario Sunshine. The only recentish game i've completed is F-Zero, but getting100% is ny on impossible.

                    I wasn't enjoying Zelda, finding all the, you know what, I can't even remember what I was trying to find. It was using the map.

                    Metroid, I'm determined to complete, I loved that game and it deserves to be completed, just got to find, basically, all the artifacts!


                      Thing that bugs me is that I probably have enough games at the moment to play for the next 6 months. But then I'd have this huge backlog of games that I want to buy. I mean even games that are out now I have about 6 I want - ermmm F Zero GX, Viewtiful Joe, Mario Golf, Soul Caliber 2, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Simpsons Hit and Run. Then we have Mario Kart DD coming out.

                      Do you think if I still had Gamecube games I wanted to buy in 2008/9/10 I would still be able to get them?! ARGH!


                        i think i've got about 10 unfinished games at the moment, and thats not including the GBA ones. i've got GX pre ordered, so that'll be coming at the end of next month, and no doubt i'll want KOTOR after that. only recently i bought two new xbox games. god, i need to slow down with the buying.


                          I wish I could refrain from buying games

                          Ive picked up around 36 Cube tiles over the last 6 weeks and not completed any of them. I've just received FF Tactics, Pokemon Pinball and Billy Hatcher is on the way. so many games, so little time


                            Originally posted by Strider
                            I wish I could refrain from buying games
                            I have the same problem, I buy too many games, but then I like to be able to walk into my office and pickup a couple of games that I've not really played whenever I feel like it.

                            I hate selling stuff on as well, you always end up missing it later.

                            I wish I had the resolve to only buy what I can complete.


                              I feel for you guys, I really do.

                              Some of the stuff I really want to complete goes back to the Saturn era. Seriously scary. Racks upon racks of unfinished gems. Such a tragedy. What's even more annoying is that I lend a lot of my consoles out to mates and they end up finishing more of my games than I do.

