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Red Katana: new Cave shooter

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    Red Katana: new Cave shooter

    Story trailer at Siliconera

    Cave will have a testing location in Akihabara from the 23rd to the 26th of July.

    There are a few details floating around the internet: bullet hell, horizontal scrolling, militaristic style, each ship/helicopter has two pilots with different firing modes.

    Final release is summer/fall of this year for arcades.

    Looking at that first picture in the link i was thinking that this was the one of the first shmup i've seen in a while without lolis.

    20 seconds into the video, and there's a loli. =_=


      First look at the game.


        Ooooh me likey

        Looks pretty good.

        Fingers crossed for a quick port

        Wonder if the choice to go Hori instead of Vert is to do with the potential for home ports??
        I mean how many of us actually have a spare set we can lay on their sides to play proper TATE modes?



          Vert > Hori :\


            dont get me wrong - i like CAVE games, but why do their games look soooo similar?

            i never really could understand the concept of constantly dodging screen fulls of bullets - its more puzzle than shooter

            cool name though...
            Last edited by dvdx2; 23-07-2010, 15:16.


              Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
              Vert > Hori :\
              Oh definitely I love vert but I'm also getting bored of turning my Portable TV on it's side for proper TATE action so quite glad to see a few Hori's springing up that I can play comfortably on the Plamsa without having to sit 2 foot away like I do with the Verts to make it playable.



                Oh good let hope it will support 16:9 mode imagine this game on 50 inch plasma TV


                  Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
                  Oh definitely I love vert but I'm also getting bored of turning my Portable TV on it's side for proper TATE action so quite glad to see a few Hori's springing up that I can play comfortably on the Plamsa without having to sit 2 foot away like I do with the Verts to make it playable.

                  Isn't the viewable playing screen on your proper TV bigger than your portable one?


                    Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
                    Wonder if the choice to go Hori instead of Vert is to do with the potential for home ports??
                    I'd say so. The more serious military theme and easily translated title point to a western release too.


                      Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                      Isn't the viewable playing screen on your proper TV bigger than your portable one?
                      Do you know what I'm fairly thick & it might well be but the 360 & PS2 are hooked up to the Portable & I havent tried playing them on the Plasma...been playing Alan Wake on that instead

                      Might give some Espa 2 a blast tonight just to compare the options.

                      I do like a tate mode that fills the screen though...even if it is only 14"



                        Videos here:

                        Weird perspective but at least it's all in 2d with some really nice animation. Game mechanics look like quite interesting with a state change allowing you to reflect bullets if only for a limited time.


                          any hint of console release.

