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    Guys I'll warn you by saying that you NEED time to spend on this game. It's not like a crappy PSO game where you can logon for an hour and have a quick bash, it'll suck your soul away.


      Scored a 3100 on hi rez mode

      Athlon 2200xp/GF4ti4200/768MB 2100ram.


        Originally posted by Razz
        Guys I'll warn you by saying that you NEED time to spend on this game. It's not like a crappy PSO game where you can logon for an hour and have a quick bash, it'll suck your soul away.
        Thats ok (I think) im looking for something to use alot through the winter.


          I got the benchtest today. Ran it in high rez only, scored 5473.

          My pc is XP2800+333, nforce2 mobo, corsair twinX 2700 +333, ati rad 9700 pro+ cat 3.6. under Win XP pro DX 9.b


            Holy Crap, I've been playing FFXI Jap on Pc for nearly a year and have never seen screens like that. I have a P4 2.55 512 with Rad Pro 9700. TBH I've not played much recently due to the need to dedicate entire evenings and weekends to this game which I just can't do. It's also frustrating playing and not understanding the story so all you can really do is level up and try and find parties.

            I'm still tempted to get the US version. Underneath this game is still fantiastic and utterly compelling.



              Originally posted by Adam
              You can view live footage of the game here. Check it out 8)
              Wish more game would do this so you could see what they were like. Although it is scary CCTV watching


                Benchmark High Res: 4968

                P4 2.66 FSB400
                Ati IT7 Max2
                1GB DDR400
                ATI 9700 pro

                Any word on the subscriptions fees for the US PC version yet?


                  12 dollars a month.


                    plus a dollar extra for every other character you create and an extra dollar for tetra master, the card game from FFIX playable online.

                    I've heard the controls are alot different for this game. Do you only use the numpad to control everything? You can't even look around with the mouse from what I gather. I'm guessing this is because of it's PS2 routes, would it be best to buy a controler adapter for the pc then?


                      Originally posted by Razz
                      12 dollars a month.
                      Is is possible to pay for a yearly sub, and potentially save a bit of money?


                        I'd love to play the game - I own every final fantasy to date, but I don't think i'll be buying it, for the simple fact that it's online. I'll probably go to a friends and play it from his house to see what it's like, and if I like it, then buy it...but until I play it first, it won't be something that's top of the list to spend my money on


                          Originally posted by Adam
                          plus a dollar extra for every other character you create and an extra dollar for tetra master, the card game from FFIX playable online.

                          I've heard the controls are alot different for this game. Do you only use the numpad to control everything? You can't even look around with the mouse from what I gather. I'm guessing this is because of it's PS2 routes, would it be best to buy a controler adapter for the pc then?
                          You use the numpad to move around, you can use the mouse also but since this a CONSOLE GAME at heart, it's best not to use it. I got on fine with the keyboard, no problems at all, but if you're serious in playing this )(and don't want to risk arthritis) it's best to get a PS2-style pad, as it was originally intended for it.

                          I'm going to review this, hopefully it'll be uploaded onto the site if it's good enough, so it'll give peeps the heads up on what they could be missing...
                          Saying that though, the game is perfectly playable with keyboard.

                          Monthly fee wise, the JP version doesn't allow you to make a yearly payment, so I don't think the US version will. Who cares though? You'll never need to buy another game if you get stuck into this. Honest.


                            Cheers Razz, I think I'll see what it's like on keyboard and if I find it difficult on the old hands I'll get the PS2 controler adapter

