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DJ Sacks weekly appreciation thread: Skies of Arcadia

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    DJ Sacks weekly appreciation thread: Skies of Arcadia

    This original post was written before the GC release and before i had completed it properly. Although i was playing it for ten hours every weekend at the time. So sorry if it doesnt make much sense at times, luckerly this will be the only thread of this kind.

    What with the GC port out shortly i thought it was about time this brilliant RPG was talked about once more.

    Ive been playing it over the weekend, was about ten hours through now im at the 22 hour mark, and still on disc 1!

    Apparently there is 60 hours of gameplay here, but so far the story line has never let up and there has always been unexpected twists and turns which bring about a totally new way of playing, im impressed! Theres some extreamly clever ideas which ive never ever seen before. Wonderful!

    The fighting aspect is a bit annoying, with loads of random battles, but seeing as they only appear in dungeons which are relatively small theres not too many. The world you travel in though is HUGE! And theres no loading between areas either, you can travel all around the map and still not uncover all of it.

    The graphics still look impressive today and im probably gona be the only one to say this but the facial effects are better than zelda: Tww.

    Theres so much to do as well, such as finding discoveries, shopping, flying your ship, huge ship gun battles, and superb story line, a mini vmu game, use of the actual vmu screen in game, online stuff, character building, and learning hundreds of spells, some cool move scenes and cut scenes which really set the errr scene.


    When i saw about this in the old DC mags as eternia arcadia i wasnt impressed, looked good but didnt want me to buy it, that all changed once i played the hour long demo on the official mag.

    You must get hold of this game! And on a related note ive got one on the dc for sale. If you've got a gc though, you mya be better off waiting for its version, what with less random battles, slightly better graphics and a new part to the story.


    Riselem this thread (SoA fans will know what it means) to just tell you i have completed it!

    Bloody brilliant, it is the best game ever made, well easily comparable to zelda Oot and Mario 64, but wow! The final boss battles took me 5 hours alone, the ending ties up all the lose ends and theres just so much emotion in it, the ending is a bit understated, but its more to make you think about you past 60 hours of gaming. And it is a very different twist to the ending you would have expected, again reminds me of zelda's ending where you feel a bit empty, its like reading a good book, when you finish it, you dont know what to do, you just dont want it to end.

    It does do the annoying zelda thing though, doesnt save when you finish the game, just ends it and you never see the world all happy but it does have a huge hint at SoA2

    The music was fantastic and some of the boss's special moves are simply awsome! I cant believe ive finished it, just under 60 hours of my life put into it, with a brilliantly wonderful story, one of the best stories ever told! The graphics just got more beautiful as you go on, and the emotion that pours out from it, you can keep your aries dying, this is much much better! Simply beautiful. I cant really say anything else without spoiling it all but wow, brilliant!

    Skies of Arcadia must be the most flawed and random RPG I have ever played, it's so overrated, purely because there's not much else that can compete with it on the DC or GC. Why do you think the PS2 version was canned? Do you honestly believe it could compete with Square's lineup? I don't think so. Infact, I know so.

    To compare it to such classics as Zelda OOT or Mario64 is questionable, if not downright laughable.


      I loved Skies of Arcadia on DC. Easily the best RPG on Dreamcast, although the fact that there weren't many good examples on the format is irrelevant as I feel the game compares well to the best of the genre. Not up there with the best Final Fantasy games but certainly better than pap like FF8.

      The characterisations were well done, and you really cared about Vyse, Aika and co.

      Originally posted by spoiler
      I was completely gutted when Drachma left the group, but equally got goosebumps when he returned. In a way, I was thankful that he hadn't died, even though deep down I knew he would return.
      The story was told brilliantly, and engrossed the player, eager to push on to discover what would happen in the next chapter.

      The battle system, whilst retaining the traditional turn-based nature of the genre, had an interesting facet where character placement was important important. Got a group of enemies in a line, use the Lighting magic. It was nice touch that made a change from Final Fantasy's enemies on the left, you on the right system.

      The only problem with the game was the frequency of the random battles. They were far too frequent. They made exploring the world map particularly frustrating. Also, the entire game had a tinge of familiarity about it throughout my entire playtime. Like it was echoing the success of Final Fantasy VII a little too closely. Still, as a title in its own right, a worthwile purchase.


        Originally posted by Razz
        Skies of Arcadia must be the most flawed and random RPG I have ever played, it's so overrated, purely because there's not much else that can compete with it on the DC or GC. Why do you think the PS2 version was canned? Do you honestly believe it could compete with Square's lineup? I don't think so. Infact, I know so.

        To compare it to such classics as Zelda OOT or Mario64 is questionable, if not downright laughable.
        Razz you really are (turning into) a FF fanboy.

        As someone who actually used to love the FF series before they turned into interactive movies I really enjoyed SOA.

        It actually concentrated on the most important element in RPGs IMO - characterisation.

        Each of the characters were well developed, well realised and most importantly completely likable (compare to Tidus for example).

        Unfortunately the battling was way too slow, and way too frequent, but I much prefered playing this to any of the FFs after 6.


          Who can forget the storybook ending where each page tells you what happens to each character after the game has ended? Brilliance - so uplifting. I can't wait for SoA2, which is sort of confirmed.

          The story sometimes does clone that of FFVII, although forgetting that it still is a great game - and one that does compete with Square's efforts - especially the post-VII efforts.

          The scene + dialogue immediately after the very final boss is perfect.


            I should really plug the game back in and complete it. I was oh so close to the end and then other game got in the way etc... so only a few more hours until seeing all of this
            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


              My mate left his Dreamcast and Skies at our student digs... 'woah!' my other mate and I wasted sooooo much time playing it

              We loved it, so much so we have both got it for our respective Cobes to play again!


                I am currently playing through the DC version now and am absolutely loving it


                  The problem I have with this game is the same as every other Japanese RPG that I've ever tried - the damn random battles. They really are just an exercise in frustration.

                  I actually started off really enjoying this game. The unusual setting. The characters. But the random battles. So many. So frequent. So boring. Aaaaarrrrggghhh. Why? WHY? WHY? ft: .

                  If they cut them in half then I might have been able to see it through (and greatly enjoy seeing it through).

                  DJ Sack - keep these coming. I don't appreciate this game like you do but I do enjoy reading your enthusiastic posts (and frequently agree with them - your last one prompted me to buy Bluestorm even though it was about the N64 original ).


                    I found the plot to be a load of old hockum.
                    I found the final battle to be overlong.
                    I found the very presence of random battle insulting.

                    On the other hand...

                    I found the lead to be non-annoying [shock]
                    I found all the characters to be wonderfully compelling.
                    I found it to be one of the better looking games of recent times.
                    And I found it to be one of the best RPGs of recent times.

                    Originally posted by Vyse
                    Harpoon Cannon Fire!
                    For once, you don't go out to save the world, you go out to explore. Because you're a good pirate.
                    And Vyse has the best aftershave in the known universe, because all the females fancy him. All of them.
                    And one of the bosses is an utter letch. But then, he does fancy Aika, so obviously has good taste...


                      Originally posted by Razz
                      Skies of Arcadia must be the most flawed and random RPG I have ever played, it's so overrated, purely because there's not much else that can compete with it on the DC or GC. Why do you think the PS2 version was canned? Do you honestly believe it could compete with Square's lineup? I don't think so. Infact, I know so.

                      To compare it to such classics as Zelda OOT or Mario64 is questionable, if not downright laughable.
                      Yes, because someone with an FF7 avatar, and numerous FF references through his profie and signature is really unbiased in his comparison of Skies of Arcadia to Final Fantasy.

                      moonstone cannon fire


                        Yeah the random battles where very annoying after a while, but I dont think it was enough to ruin a fantastic game. You guys are right... good plot... good characters... gameplay mechanics held there own.

                        I think some people just missed the point maybe


                          Originally posted by Moodmon
                          And one of the bosses is an utter letch. But then, he does fancy Aika, so obviously has good taste...
                          I was reading up on the net a lot of his scenes had to be editied as they could be seen as sexual or rape, my g/f at the time even commented on how it 'was meant for kids, its so obvious he's gona rape her'

                          But one of the weapons he uses, where he puts it over his groin and it extends out, CLASSIC!

                          And some of the special moves, like the two who team moves you can use, depending on who's your crew you'll do different things. Pirates WRATH!


                            Regarding Ish's comments on Sacks enthusiasum, I agree 100% and is very welcome. Many people have stated their opinions on negativity on the boards of late, so it must be refreshing for them.

                            Anyway, I missed out of Arcadia on the Dreamcast so I have a chance to nab it now on the GC. I honestly don't have the time for an rpg though so I might opt out and get Soul Calibur 2. Dunno though, think I'll re-check the Arcadia review out...

                            I'm really of two minds on this though!


                              Oh yeah, how i love this game too. With Kotor, i still think it's one of the best RPGs in recent years. The caracters, the story, and the world of the game are very nice.

                              On other hand, i too agree about the random encounters could be a tad boring for some, but then i had some luck because i choosed certain specials for the caracters that would deal in one strike with most of the encounters

                              Anyway, nice thread, lets keep the good feelings and entusiasm

