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Essential Import 360 games

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    Essential Import 360 games

    Hi guys, I'm looking at putting together a feature about Japanese 360 titles and wanted some Ideas. I have all the shmups, but I'd like to know of any other games/genres that should be considered. Ideally they should be titles that don't rely heavily on reams of Japanese text (RPGs).

    Which mag, GamesTM? I may have to track down a copy for this feature, it sounds ace.

    Well, there's Steins;Gate. Nick des Barres praises this on WAHP, and it seems like a really clever time-travel themed adventure game for the X360. Sold really well too. We'll probably never see a release, but I like thinking about it. Apparently some US-based 360 magazine snuck the Japanese demo of this on to their cover disc.

    Moe Moe 2-ji Taisen Ryoku Delux. Hex based strategy game with girls as anthropomorphised planes and tanks. Release on PS2 and ported to 360. I will never play this, but the video is amusing and has neato music. Moé to the point, this represents a whole sea of titles which, due to the content and language will never be known by the west.

    I'm syre there must be quite a few XBLA games too...?


      Spectral Force 3!

      US version can also be played on a Japanese system, so no language barriers, although as usual, the voice acting is terrible.


        Operation Darkness - Sort of Valkyria Chronicles but set in WWII and you control a squad of SAS soldiers going up against Nazis and the Occult. English option in the game IIRC.

        Mobile Suit Gundam: Operation: Troy - Basically FPS in teh world of Gundam but you can be a soldier, drive vehicles or Gundam or swirch between all three. Has solo play but best in multiplayer. Asian version is in English.

        And the Idolmaster games :P


          shmups is about it really thats anything of any quality really. I havent touched any of mine really but I have been collecting, maybe something like Mushi Futari or Ketsui?


            Originally posted by plopboy View Post
            Operation Darkness
            Didn't this get a US release? Might have even got a PAL release, I'm not sure.

            Operation Troy sounds incredible btw.

            Daz, do you just want Japan exclusive titles, as in they were ONLY released in Japan, or do you want any 360 game which was made by Japanese developers? Because if it's the latter, there are **** loads of cools ones.


              Im looking for Japanese games that are only available there. I don't mind if they're region free. It's about making people aware of great games and how they can play them.


                I don't think there are many in all honesty beyond dating sims / eroge, shmups and the odd rpg.


                  Just good Japanese 360 games. It's a look at localisation and why some titles get chosen and others don't. I need some decent titles to recommend if you want to invest in a Japanese/Asian machine.

