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Broken Wii/Replaced/Virtual Console = ???

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    Broken Wii/Replaced/Virtual Console = ???


    So I recently replaced my faulty 360, used the drm tool on the website then redownloaded all the content to my new one. Easy!

    So....what is the situation with the Wii if it was to happen too? I've stopped myself from buying any VC games because I heard unless u send the machine in to Nintendo and pay their prices you lose everything. Pointless for me as I've got extended warrenty on the wii with the retailer.

    I've read so many variations over if this is the case that I figured I'd ask the forumites if they know.

    Cheers in advance peeps!

    Extended warranty with the retailer? They'd probably just send it to Nintendo and cover the costs IF anything happened. I'm sure Nintendo would just transfer the VC/WiiWare games in the profile to a replacement Wii.

    Wii != 360 though.


      Just for reference in case anyone searches in the future I emailed nintedo europe to get a definate answer.

      Its been confirmed now by them that wiiware and virtual shop games will not be transferred to a new console.

      If the console you have dies then you have a choice. Either send it to nintendo for repair and pay their prices, by doing so they will transfer the content for it all over again. Regardless if the console is linked to your club nintendo account they won't transfer content over unless its sent to them for repair.

      So pretty pointless for someone like me who has extended warrenty with the retailer


        Just to add, if you send them a faulty console + a new one they will transfer all your stuff to the new one.


          You'd expect that though, given that you'd most likely have paid for 2 Wii consoles.

          I do think Nintendo are in the wrong for doing this though, you've BOUGHT the game off of VC in the first place. How difficult must it be to link a purchase to an account

          This stance won't do anything to help combat homebrewing.

