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Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 4: Summer Memories PS3 (Disaster Report 4)

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    Reading on Kotaku that they're probably going to delay the Marvel vs Capcom DLC characters. Which really does make no sense at all.


      bandwagon jumping, it has no connection to events but drums a bit of free publicity


        Piece on Eurogamer suggests its because they're not propping *anything* to the PS3 or 360 online services in Japan this week. Whether this means they're delaying it in Europe and the US to match isn't yet clear.


          With regards to the DLC, it could be anything in fairness. SquareEnix have closed the Final Fantasy XI and XIV servers this week to help with the shortage of power in eastern Japan, maybe that's something to do with it. Or hell, maybe it's financial - it makes more sense to release them when people actually feel like buying them.


            thought this game would get cancelled


              Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
              Ironically, pre-orders for this game shot up in Japan after the earthquake.
              And you just know that sales of the originals on eBay will go up as well...


                In my opinion, the game will ultimately end up being released, once the recent disasters have settled down. I understand it from a gamers perspective that this is frustrating, and can understand it from their point of view that it would be in bad taste, and due to the horrific number of casulties, the risk of upsetting a number of people in realeasing the game would most likely be high...

                There is that age old saying that all publicity is good publicity, but in this case, I can see how it wouldn't be worth the backlash.

                I was and still am looking forward to this game, just hope they planned to get rid of that stupid dehydration meter, it brings painful thoughts of that DS game where you are stranded on an island and every step you take brings the game over screen ever so closer... The name escapes me, something blue.



                  Originally posted by 112 View Post
                  just hope they planned to get rid of that stupid dehydration meter, it brings painful thoughts of that DS game where you are stranded on an island and every step you take brings the game over screen ever so closer... The name escapes me, something blue.
                  Lost in Blue, by Konami, sequel to Survival Kids on the GBC. Ace series (well, the first was ace).

                  Anyway, I loved the dehydration meter, it added a sense of survival tension to things. Zettai 2 was focused on heat though, with a need to keep warm.


                    Man I really hope that this doesn't impact too greatly on Irem. They're not exactly a massive company .
                    I actually picked up SOS today off Ebay, before realising that they won't actually get any profit from it.


                      You could buy Zettai Zetsumei 3 off PSN, in which case they'd get profit directly.

                      Back to Zettai 4...

                      Play-Asia has this down for April 2011 release. It's 14 March now. Surely for a release in 3 weeks it would have had to have been printed already? Surely they don't Bluerays in a weekend, they need time to amass the initial stockpile.

                      You don't think they'd destroy a stockpile of already printed discs, do you?
                      Last edited by Sketcz; 14-03-2011, 19:21.


                        Look what I discovered the other day. Turns out Zettai Zetsumei 3 / 絶体絶命都市3 / Disaster Report 3 on PSP was set during the time the real disaster in Japan took place (obviously tragic coincidence):

                        When you consider that ZZT3 also has a lot of negative commentary aimed at the in-game Japanese government for lax rescue efforts and corporations for dangerous construction work, it kinda of makes sense Irem wouldn't want this being printed any more. WAY too controversial.

                        More thoughts from me, with screens, here:
                        I’ve been meaning to make a post like this since the fourth game in this disaster survival series was cancelled by Irem, soon after the dis...

                        In other news, ZZT3 is back on ebay at a cheaper ?15 price from Hong Kong sellers. For a time these ran out leaving only JPN sellers with their ?100+ copies. I thought we'd be in for a permanent price hike, but it seems the price has normalised. The first is still cheap and the second is still rare in PAL land.

                        I wonder if there's enough of a concentrated effort from fans Irem will reverse its cancellation? I mean, the series contains real survival information provided by the Japan Disaster Information Support Network. It could educate people on proper procedure and save lives.

                        I'm still convinced the PS3 BDs were printed and some are sitting in a warehouse in Japan somewhere.

