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Dissidia Final Fantasy Duodecim (PSP)

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    Dissidia Final Fantasy Duodecim (PSP)

    Confirmed in this week's Shonen Jump and likely to be playable at TGS.

    Excited for this. One of my favourite PSP titles that I've sunk an immense number of hours into.

    Kain (FFIV) and Lightning (FFXIII) confirmed as new characters so far. Fingers crossed new additions to the lineup don't come at the expense of some of the old characters. Hopefully XI and XII will also get new representatives for the Chaos and Cosmos sides respectively.

    XII has to be Balthier (please not Vaan) but unsure which villain could represent XI. Shadow Lord would be too obvious. Perhaps Kam'lanaut and/or Eald'narche.

    Will this even get an English release I wonder? Can't imagine there will be much of a western market for the PSP by the time translation work is done.

    I really struggled to get into Dissidia, just couldn't get to grips with the battle system at all. Seemed like mindless button bashing but I knew it wasn't because the CPU kept kicking my arse when playing against similarly levelled people.

    Would Balthier work? After all he uses a gun.

    I can't see the PSP lasting to mid 2011 in the west. The console is already on its last legs, which is a shame as it has a great line up (in Japan)


      Not surprised there's a sequel but I'm a bit surprised it's still on PSP rather than move to 3DS. Still, I guess it'll be comprehensive for the fans. I'm another who found it to be... well, awful


        I can quite happily confess to sinking many an hour into the original, despite it's learning curve.

        Hopefully, if the PSP is dead by the time a western release is fully translated then it could be sold exclusively over PSN? I would be quite gutted if the game remains Japanese onry.


          Good news, although the NES games only have one antagonist (II "could" use the other).


            Are these characters confirmed so far additionals or are they going to be classed as the mains do we know? I must be the only one who enjoyed the stories from the original Dissidia but I don't think they'd work quite as well using supporting characters.


              They'll be mains, Kain has a huge role in IV, easily as big as Golbez. Would make the cooler villain.


                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                Would Balthier work? After all he uses a gun.
                Perhaps, but ranged combat is a massive part of the Dissidia system. The mage characters (i.e Kefka, Ultimecia, Shantotto) all specialise in ranged combat so I'm sure Balthier could be worked into it. A non-magc ranged specialist would be an interesting addition actually.

                I guess the other option could be Basch which would actually tie in well with Gabranth. Would be interesting to see what they did with the English voice work if this was the case though.

                Gabranth in Dissidia was actually voiced by Basch's XII VA.

                Originally posted by Rep View Post
                Good news, although the NES games only have one antagonist (II "could" use the other).
                This was something I considered. My original thought was doubling the amount of characters that represent each game (2 for Cosmos, 2 for Chaos) but as you say some games simply don't have the capacity for this. I'm unsure, for example, how to get new heroes for I and III. They already had to be pretty loose with Warrior of Light and Onion Knight.
                Last edited by C'; 08-09-2010, 11:27.


                  Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                  Are these characters confirmed so far additionals or are they going to be classed as the mains do we know? I must be the only one who enjoyed the stories from the original Dissidia but I don't think they'd work quite as well using supporting characters.
                  I hope they will be additionals but we don't know for sure yet.


                    English official website:

                    Yes, that is a PEGI rating.

