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Sony Keynote (5:00am BST, 1PM Japan Time)

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    Sony Keynote (5:00am BST, 1PM Japan Time)

    Even more of an inconvinient time than the MS one!

    Last Guardian and HD Ico/SOTC are expected. They may show off some third party stuff like FFXIII Versus/Agito, The Third Birthday and VC3. No doubt Move will feature heavily.

    I will be utterly amazed if they unveil a PSP2

    lol no one watched it?

    Seems the only announcements of note were an Ace Combat game and "Project Dark" which seems to be a followup of sorts to Demon Souls


      Both of which have me drooling on my keyboard - any more info than that?


        There's info about Ace Combat on the liveblogs for the conference. It seems Project Dark has a media blackout on it. They blocked the stream for the trailer.


          I tried searching for blogs and such but all I found was stuff from 2009 or the Microsoft conference. ><


            Microsoft gave this year's Tokyo Game Show keynote, but that doesn't mean Sony won't be giving a press conference. It so will be. What will be in store? What won't be in store? Let's find out.

            Not much info, I'd imagine they'll release more info as the show goes on.


              Project Dark Official Site

              Published by Bandai-Namco.

              PS3 exclusive in Japan.

              PS3/Xbox360 in the west.

              Nothing else there.


                FFXIV in 3D
                MGS:Rising in 3D
                Zombie Yakuza game called - Yakuza: Of The End
                Last Guardian Winter 2011
                Dynasty Warriors 6

                All of that is completely irrelevant though because it look like a successor to the greatest game of this generation is coming!!!!


                  Haze 2 confirmed?


                    I kinda set myself up for that I guess


                      Solid 30 frames per second in 3D
                      That is a direct quote from the keynote in regard to Ico and SOTC in HD for PS3.


                        I reserve my right to change my mind completely when I see it in action, but why are they turning everything 3D


                          Originally posted by fuse View Post
                          I reserve my right to change my mind completely when I see it in action, but why are they turning everything 3D
                          To sell more Televisions.

                          The PS3 is The Sony Trojan Horse. It got Blu-Ray it to peoples homes and it's now on a mission to do the same with 3D TV.


                            Until they figure out a way to do 3DS style 3D that has a very wide viewing angle, there's no way 3D will properly take off at home.

                            I'd be surprised if that was impossible to do. If you remember the earliest TFTs, they had appalling viewing angles.


                              I used to think same as you smurf but now I see 3d tv as a tv with an 'option' to view some things in 3d. I think people buying a new TV anyway may as well go the 3D route. We already know that the Nintendo 3DS has real issues with viewing angles and distance and such and that's with a tiny screen. I now think it'll be some years before the tech gets to the point that we can have a decent quality 3d picture without glasses.

                              The only 3d game I've played was Avatar. The framerate was poor and the resolution seemed last gen. However, it still was a fairly cool experience. I wonder if my euro expo visit will convince me of 3D gaming.

