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Jak II. What's going on?

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    Jak II. What's going on?

    I really enjoyed Jak and Daxter and was looking forward to this sequel but from what I've read recently about it (Edge, IGN etc.) it sounds to have left its platforming roots for a more free-roaming (read GTA) approach. Or is this just what's new about it and therefore what writers have focused on?

    Has anybody played/seen it in action? How much platforming action is still in there?

    It's got a new 'dark and twisted' look, and appears to be aiming for the multi-action genre (similar to Haven) rather than an all-out platformer.


      That's what I was worried about. A bit of racing, a bit of jumping, a bit of shooting etc. Sounds like it could be less than the sum of it's parts?


        I played a demo of it the other day in my local indie and it didn't seem to abandon it's Platform-roots to me, well, no less than original anyway.

        The level I played basically saw Jak team up with another character, in which we had to get from Point A to Point B, disposing of the enemies along the way, and at certain points during the level, I had to hold off the enemies for a period of time, whilst Jak's accomplice took out key baddies.

        Didn't see the end of the level though. Had to be elsewhere at the time.


          I have the demo and I found some elements to be a little frustrating. I have mixed feelings about it. Now that it's Jak and Clank, with the guns and all.

          The shooting mission was a little frustrating when I played it, but I was tired at the time. I'm happy with what they did the Ratchet and Clank, but I'm skeptical about Jak II.

          Edgier meaner Jak = big sales. Do we really need a GTA ripoff platformer? I guess I need to know more about the final game. Sony's going all out with the advertising here in the states.


            I was a big fan of the original - great fun, lots of charm and technically very impressive.

            But I too am not so keen on this 'dark' look and the seeming expansion on the gameplay brief. I'm hoping the core gameplay is still platformy. And that its still got a sense of humour.

            Oh well. Time will tell I guess. Its still on my list of games to buy .


              I think the whole 'we're all grown up because we have guns' thing is lame. The cover makes me cringe... they're trying too hard to be cool.


                I got the demo the other day, and while the production values are impressive (in terms of animation and voiceovers), the much-hyped graphics and gameplay failed to engage. There was nothing in the demo to make me feel like this game was going to be the classic certain magazines claim it to be (OPM), but I am tempted to try out the final product anyhow.

                I'm still deeplyirritated that these damn official demos have a built-in time limit. I understand that they're only there to prevent the gamer spending too much time with the game, thus finding flaws, but to be honest I'm more put off with with the game being reset that any flaw in the game (Jak2 doesn't give you enough time to finish the level, plus you need to reset the PS2 every time - very, very poor).

                Incidently, the OPM2 review states that they don't want to give anything away about Jak2, then promptly list about 15 different missions in one go. Nice one. They even go on to list more tasks later on in the review. Gah.


                  Don't get me started about OPS2. I sadly picked it up for the demo disk as well. Did you spot the following gem about Blowout:

                  Wow! It's a side-scrolling 2D shoot-em-up with 3D character models! But we have fully 3D first-person-shooters now.... Pah! You're not fooling us with your old games dressed up in PS2 clothing.
                  Ignorant tossers. No wonder games like The Hulk sell so well, when OPSM2 are feeding their readers such nonsense. Old games? Don't they realise how much the genre has progrssed since the days of Galaxian? Future would never have allowed a magazine as shoddy as this to be released 10 years ago. I swear it wasn't as bad during the first year of the PS2.


                    It turns IGN liked Jak 2 very much a little to much maybe
                    They gave it a god dam 9.5


                      I just bought Jak 2 promo (full game) for ?15, I`ve been meaning to play it, but I have about 3 games I bought recently which I`m still waiting to work through.

                      The whole point of me getting it was so I had it before rleease, but at the rate it`s going its not going to be played for a little while lol.


                        IGN's review "headline" says it all..

                        "Naughty dog weighs in with heavy guns, a dark story and mature content."

                        Says it all...

                        Jebus.. what's the gaming world coming to!??!


                          Originally posted by scottcr
                          IGN's review "headline" says it all..

                          "Naughty dog weighs in with heavy guns, a dark story and mature content."

                          Says it all...

                          Jebus.. what's the gaming world coming to!??!
                          I don't give a **** about all that mature nonsense. A platform game with a dark story. Sheesh. I just hope the game turns out as good as the first one.


                            US OPM was mixed about it due to the frustration factor. The E3 demo I have isn't timed but shows the deeply flawed aspects of the game. I'm torn still because Play magazine, which loves everything so that doesn't mean much, loves this, IGN loved it. Maybe OPM missed the bus or is Naughty Dog trying to hard.

                            They could have just added some different platform bits to the first and kept it simple. I had no problems with Jak and Daxter. Jak II will be a game you either love or hate.


                              I've read both the Edge and GamesTM review - neither commented on any deep flaws. Or at least nothing that put me off purchasing it. (I think, both gave it a 7 / 10).

